Pertempuran tujuh pemain Light dan Darkness telah diperbarui baru-baru ini.
T0: Halloween Gaoser, Red Gao, Clan Audas, Dewi Elizabeth, Pure Dry Elli
Rekomendasi pelatihan: manbao, sensasi super, level pull full
T1: Pria di tebing, melaschula, es escano, cinta estarosa, kerakusan marin, komandan kulit hitam, kinen dari dosa kemalasan
Rekomendasi Pelatihan: Level 80, 6, 4
T2: Pedang Camelo, Avatar Revenge, The Guardian of Forest, Riones, The Six Stars of the Sky, The Guardian of the Forest, The Seven Sins, The Julios, The Speed Knight, Diana, The Knight of Purgatory, The Radar, The Rile, The Rilead Generation Generation, The Rilia, The Rile.
Rekomendasi Pelatihan: Level 70, dapat ditingkatkan ke Level 80 dan 6
T3: Sin of Anger Merios, Collector Marlene, Warrior Diana, Real Galan, Storm Hauser, Crime of Greedy, Flip Hawk, Tooth of Earth, Matorona, Infinite Marlene, Riones' Hero Gercele, Sin of Jeal Diana, Guardian Jill, Roar of Dawn, Mobile Bar Hawk, Ice Knight Gustav
Rekomendasi Pelatihan: Level 60, dapat ditingkatkan ke Level 70, 6
T4: Ten Commandments Spit, Helekunkinen, Guide Mono, Ten Rings Estarosa, Sky Six Stars Del Dore, Three Nunchakus Ban, Raydi Gilsan, Burning Flame Gilra, Halloween Melios, Silent Men Spit, Pure Deli Ailly, Handling Leftover Knights Head Hawke, The Man Who Swept the Earth, The Man Who Summons the Disaster, The Fairy King Forest Elaine, Halloween Kena, The Uncle Guardian Jin En, Iron Wall Knight Gulia Moore, Fighting King Ban, Seven Sins Diana, Ten Commandments Real Galan, Ten Commandments Faith Melaschula, Ale Collector Ban, Nobles Haier Blame, Matorona Diana, One-Eyed Haier Blame, Halloween Elaine, Corrosive Handlixon, Seven Sins Uncle Jin En, Perseverance Incarnation Vivian, Burning Flame Ken, Roaring Dawn Gillian
Rekomendasi Pelatihan: Level 60, Gunakan 6
Khusus: Disarankan untuk menyimpan manajemen gudang, lihat saja