With the Archie’s Festival Frenzy event, a powerful Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle has entered the fray in Black Ops 6 and Warzone . The high-damage AMR Mod 4 can fit several roles, depending on your preferred mode. Here are the best AMR Mod 4 Loadouts for Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Warzone .
Best AMR Mod 4 Loadout in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer While Call of Duty Multiplayer has always been known as fast-paced, the smaller-than-average maps in Black Ops 6 make this game’s Multiplayer especially frenetic. As a result, there aren’t many places for the ARM Mod 4’s extremely long-range capabilities to shine. However, the weapon can be kitted in Gunsmith to fill another effective role as a quick scoping, one-shot one-kill Designated Marksman Rifle. Here’s the best AMR Mod 4 Loadout in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer.
PrismaTech 4x Optic – 4x Scope for accuracy and precision in mid-range engagements. Pairs best with the “Classic” reticle, unlocked by getting 2,000 Kills while Aim Down Sight with the PrismaTech 4x equipped in Zombies. Extended Mag I – Improves ammo capacity from 6 to 8 before needing to reload, with a slight increase in reload time. Quickdraw Grip – Improves Aim Down Sight Speed, reduces Flinch Resistance Heavy Riser Comb – Improves Flinch Resistance (to counteract the Quickdraw Grip’s drawback) Recoil Springs – Improves Horizontal Recoil Control and Vertical Recoil Control for easier follow-up shots. With the loadout suggested above, the ARM Mod 4 excels as a powerful DMR, which will often net one-shot kills. Due to its semi-automatic fire mode, it also works great for Snipers looking to score long kill feeds. The AMR Mod 4 pairs best with Perks in the Recon and Strategist Combat Specialities, and a Perk Greed Wildcard. Here are the Perks we recommend.
Perk 1 – Ghost: Undetectable by enemy Scout Pulse and UAV when moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks. Undetectable by Prox Alarm. Combat Specialty: Recon. Perk 2 – Dispatcher: Reduced score cost for non-lethal Scorestreaks. Perk 3 – Vigilance: Display a HUD icon whenever you appear on enemy minimaps. Immune to CUAV and Scrambler. Immune to Sleeper Agent. Perk Greed – Forward Intel: Increases minimap area and shows direction indicators for revealed enemies. With this set of Perks, players will gain some stealth benefits, and acquire critical intel about enemy locations, which is incredibly helpful for Snipers. The AMR Mod 4 should also be supported by a fully automatic secondary. The Sirin 9mm Special is the best option, with the Grekhova Handgun as a solid second choice.
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Best AMR Mod 4 Loadout in Call of Duty: Warzone In Warzone, the ARM Mod 4 fills an entirely different role. In the Battle Royale game, the AMR Mod 4 is highly valuable as a Sniper Rifle, capable of getting one-shot headshot kills on enemy Operators at extreme distances. That being said, this is a weapon that is most successfully used at these long ranges, as its mobility is fairly slow. However, players who use this weapon with precision and accuracy at great distances will find great success. Here’s how to build the AMR Mod 4 for Warzone.
VMF Variable Scope Optic – Versatile optic with options for 4x, 8x and 12x Magnification. Its clean, simple default reticle makes it a great option for Warzone’s long-range engagements. Supressor Muzzle – No Mini-Map Firing Ping when firing. Long Barrel – Improves Damage Range. Marksman Pad – Improves accuracy when focusing by increasing focus time, temporarily reducing recoil, and reducing sway when focus expires. .50 BMG Overpressured Fire Mod – Improves Bullet Velocity. With the set of attachments above, the AMR Mod 4 is an incredible Sniper Rifle, capable of getting one-shot kills on fully armored enemies with a well-placed headshot. However, the weapon struggles at close and mid-range. As a result, players using the AMR Mod 4 in Warzone should use the Overkill Wildcard on their loadout. For a secondary weapon, the Jackal PDW and the PP-919 SMGs are highly effective Sniper Support options.
Snipers using the AMR Mod 4 as their main weapon will want to stay off enemy radar and stay mobile to find new power positions. Here are the best Perks to do just that in Warzone :
Perk 1 – Dexterity: Reduces weapon motion while jumping, sliding, and diving. Take less fall damage. Perk 2 – Cold Blooded: Undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Prevents some enemy recon perks and effects. Immunity to Combat Scout, Scrambling, and EMP effects. Will not trigger Alertness. Perk 3 – Ghost: Undetectable by enemy Radar Pings while moving. Can not be detected by some devices. Immunity to Heartbeat Sensor and Proxy Alarm. And those are the best AMR Mod 4 loadouts in Black Ops 6 and Warzone .
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6and Warzone are available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.