Love and Forgiveness is a really fun resource pack inspired by the My Little Pony franchise. Resource packs inspired by the MLP franchise have been played way too much over the years, as a new one seems to appear every other day, but despite the sheer number, the majority of these packs are actually quite impressive, and The same can be said for the love and tolerance package. If you love My Little Pony, or are just looking for a bright and vibrant resource pack to take advantage of, you can't really go wrong.
The defining feature of the Love & Tolerance resource pack is the texture it gives Minecraft with its colors. Most of the colors look brighter in this pack and apart from that, one thing we really like about the textures is the fact that they have absolutely no noise which is why they go on so smoothly. The level of detail in textures isn't particularly high, but that problem is more than made up for by the vibrant colors and smooth textures.
The Love & Tolerance resource pack's textures have a standard x16 resolution, so as long as you have a computer that can run vanilla Minecraft at a stable frame rate, you shouldn't have any trouble running without it becoming a technical issue. It's worth mentioning that the Love & Tolerance resource pack is only compatible with version 1.11 of Minecraft, so you may need to upgrade or downgrade to use it.
Download link for Love and Tolerance resource pack
for Minecraft 1.11.X
Love and Tolerance_1.11.X.1.zipMaterial installation instructions and frequently asked questions:
View detailed installation instructions. If you cannot see the download link or extraction code, please read this article.