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How to Get Mistral Lift & Its God Roll in Destiny 2


With the return of The Dawning event in Destiny 2, players can now go back to baking treats for NPCs while also farming for new weapons. Here’s how to get the Mistral Lift in Destiny 2, along with its god roll.

Table of contents

  • How to Get Mistral Lift in Destiny 2
  • Destiny 2 Mistral Lift God Roll

How to Get Mistral Lift in Destiny 2

Mistral Lift is a Linear Fusion Rifle that’s exclusive to The Dawning event in Destiny 2, which means you’ve only got a limited time to get it. You can get it from Eva Levante in exchange for one Gift in Return, and 25 Dawning Spirits. She also sells a Festive Engram for one Gift in Return and 10 Dawning Spirits, but you’re not guaranteed to get the Mistral Lift this way.

To get a Gift in Return, you’ll need to bake one of the Dawning holiday treats, such as the Neomun-Cake, then give them to an NPC. Dawning Spirits are the event currency which can be obtained by completing Dawning quests and bounties, which you can get from Eva each day.

Once you have enough Gifts in Return and Dawning Spirits, speak with Eva to get the Festive Engram or the Mistral Lift directly. You can do this as often as you want until you get the god rolls you’re looking for.

Destiny 2 Mistral Lift God Roll

Speaking of god rolls, while Linear Fusion Rifles have been languishing in the Destiny 2 meta for a while now, the Mistral Lift performs really solidly in PvE. Especially for solo players. Here’s the god roll I’d recommend going for:

BarrelFluted Barrel
BatteryEnhanced Battery
Perk 1Withering Gaze
Perk 2Bait and Switch

Withering Gaze and Bait and Switch are absolutely the main perks you want to go for here. The former allows you to debuff enemies on your own, and as long as you’re able to proc Bait and Switch, you’ll get an additional 30% increase in damage dealt, which makes this weapon very powerful in PvE situations. You do have to aim down sights for a second, though, so keep that in mind.

It’s worth considering Envious Assassin instead of Withering Gaze if you don’t really play solo all that much, but either perk is fantastic.

Other than that, I’m also going for Fluted Barrel, Enhanced Battery, and Handling for the Masterwork to give the weapon better stability and ammo capacity.

On the PvP side of things, well, it’s a Linear Fusion Rifle so it’s not going to perform all that well. Still, for PvE enjoyers like myself, the Mistral Roll is absolutely worth checking out at the very least.

And that’s everything you need to know about getting the Mistral Roll in Destiny 2 and its god roll. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game.

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