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Roblox NINJA Beginner’s Guide


NINJA takes permadeath to the next level by making it more challenging. Every decision in this Roblox experience matters from the start, making your decisions even more important. To help you out, we’ve put together the NINJA beginner’s guide with the best clans, weapons, controls, and more!

All NINJA Controls (PC)

The mouse and keyboard controls are pretty easy to understand. The most important keys are the F, X, and R, which let you block, counter, and land a critical attack. Below are all the controls you'll need in NINJA.

W, A, S, D / Arrow Keys Up, Left, Down, RightMove forward, left, backward, and right.
Left ClickAttack
Right ClickFeint
RCritical Attack
Ctrl + Left ClickBackstab when crouching

Best Path in NINJA Roblox

The best path in NINJA depends on what kind of experience you are looking for. If you only want to stick to PvE combat, Criminal is the right choice, and for a good PvP experience, Executioner is what you should choose.

Progression speed is almost equal for both paths as the amount of XP rewarded depends on the path-specific quests and missions you complete. For example, if you choose Executioner, doing bounty hunting PvP missions will help you progress faster than PvE travel missions and vice versa.

Best Clans in NINJA Roblox

Songoku is the best clan in NINJA thanks to the HP and speed boost it provides. This can be useful during combat as the extra health and increased speed can give you an advantage. The next best clans are Toyotomi or Taira, as both give extra HP.

Complete NINJA Clans List - Roblox

Other Mythologic and Rare clans don't have convincing perks, but with common clans offering nothing, I suggest rerolling if you have the option. Clans in the game are classified by rarity: Mythologic (1%), Rare (5%), and Common (94%). Here's the complete list of all clans:

NekomiyaMythologic+ Cat Features
+ 5 Speed
+ 15 Tao
+ Reach Full Speed Faster
SameshimaMythologic+ Shark Features
+ 20 HP
+ 15 Posture
+ Breathe Underwater
for Longer Periods
SongokuMythologic + Monkey Features
+ 5 HP
+ 1 Speed
+ 15 Tao
+ Tree Jump Boost
TenguMythologic + Bird Wings
+ 10 Posture
+ 15 Tao
+ Glide Boost
FujiwaraRare+ 5 Posture
Lin KueiRare+ 10 Tao
OdaRare+ 10 Tao
Shirai RyuRare+ 10 Tao
TairaRare+ 10 HP
ToyotomiRare+ 10 HP
Common ClansCommonNone

Best Starting Weapon in NINJA Roblox

Ninjato is one of the best-starting weapons in NINJA, especially if you choose the Executioner Path. It packs a decent amount of damage and will help you learn controls faster. If you are more of a PvE person and want to keep some distance between you and the enemy, the Bo Staff is a great choice.

What Is the Best Element in Ninja Roblox?

Although all elements are well balanced, Water and Wood are the best. They are great for both PvE and PvP. The Water trainer, Kaito Nagasaki, is in a house below a small waterfall near the blacksmith. The Wood trainer, Mizuki Hayashi, is also located near the blacksmith.

While you are here, have a look at NINJA Codes on Pro Game Guides.

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