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How to Get the Exalted Rod in Fisch


Golden Tides update brought a plethora of cool new items, including a new rod that you'll need to solve puzzles in order to get. In-game hints are anything but obvious, but we at PGG have your back. Here is how to get the Exalted Rod in Fisch.

How to Get the Rod of the Exalted One in Fisch Roblox

To get the Exalted Rod in Fisch, you'll need to collect 7 Enchant Relics with different mutations and place them at the hidden altar at Musgrove Swamp. The relics you'll need can mostly be gotten via appraisal, except for two, for which you'll need the Trident Rod and the Crystalized Rod. Here is the complete list of Enchant Relics you'll need and how to get them:

SlotEnchant RelicHow to Get
RedHexed Enchant Relic Use the No-Life Rod (20% chance for Hexed).
Appraise an Enchant Relic at Moosewood.
OrangeCrystalized Enchant Relic Use the Crystalized Rod (12% chance for Crystalized, obtainable after finishing the Diamond Puzzle at the Frigid Cavern).
You can't get this mutation via appraisal.
YellowGreedy Enchant Relic Use the Rod of the Eternal King (20% chance for Greedy).
Appraise an Enchant Relic at Moosewood.
GreenTranslucent Enchant Relic Use a rod with the Ghastly enchantment (20% chance).
Appraise an Enchant Relic at Moosewood.
CyanAtlantean Enchant Relic Use the Trident Rod (30% chance for Atlantean).
You can't get this mutation via appraisal.
MagentaFossilized Enchant Relic Use the Voyager Rod (25% chance for Fossilized).
Appraise an Enchant Relic at Moosewood.
PinkMosaic Enchant Relic Appraise an Enchant Relic at Moosewood.

Once you've collected all the Enchant Relics, make your way to Musgrove Swamp. The hidden entrance is within the rock wall at 2730, 130, -820 (the hidden door is slightly darker than the surrounding rocks). There is no switch for the door, and you can just walk through it. Behind it is an elevator, which you need to use to reach the relic puzzle area.

Once in the puzzle room, place the Enchant Relics in their appropriate slots, as listed in the table above. Once you've done that, you'll receive the Rod of the Exalted One (Exalted Rod) and 3 Exalted Relics. There is no extra cost or any other requirements you need to fulfill.

Rod of the Exalted One Stats

Lure Speed55%
Max Kg70,000kg
AbilityExalted Relics now have a 2.5x higher chance to be caught.

Now, if you follow the above-listed instructions to the letter, getting the Exalted Rod in Fisch should be easy peasy! For more Fisch content, be sure to bookmark Pro Game Guides.

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