UShaderv2.1 light and shadow package is another masterpiece of the great creator RRe36. This light and shadow package is a modified version of SEUSv10.1. It can achieve excellent effects with lower configuration than the original version. The performance of volumetric clouds is better than the original version. Even better, it also performs well in soft light and shadow.
The author RRe36 has created many well-known and useful light and shadow materials. Including, KappaShader, PotatoShader, FastPBRShader, NostalgiaShader Vanilla Plus, etc., all have been published on the site and are very high-quality creators.
What is UShader?
Author's words
This light and shadow package is a re-creation of a modified version of SEUSv10.1, which I have been using privately for a long time. It took me a while to adjust some of the unique visual effects in the SEUS version, but I finally managed to do it. Please note that due to the addition of many new effects that do not exist in SEUSv10.1, such as volumetric clouds and fog, this light and shadow package does not perform better than SEUSv10.1 under default settings. However, with the right settings, it can outperform the former by a wide margin while producing better visuals. Also, an important point is that this lighting package does not use any code from SEUSv10.1.
What features does it provide?
-Atmospheric sky
-Volume fog
-Volume Cloud
-Dynamic shadows
-Soft shadows
-Screen space ray traced ambient occlusion (RTAO)
-Water rendering
-Dimension support
-Wind effect
-Timing anti-aliasing and upsampling (TAAU)
-Motion blur