If you know who Moonstone is from Marvel Comics, I applaud you. Regardless of how obscure of a character she is, she’s the next character to join Marvel Snap during the Dark Avengers season. Here are the best Moonstone decks in Marvel Snap.
Moonstone is a 4-cost, 6-power card with an ability that reads: “Ongoing: Has the Ongoing effects of your 1, 2, and 3-Cost cards here.”
As you can imagine, Moonstone synergizes incredibly well with the likes of Ant-Man, Quinjet, Ravonna Renslayer, and Patriot. More importantly, if you can copy a powerful Ongoing ability with Mystique, she can also double up on the likes of Iron Man and Onslaught.
At the same time, she is incredibly susceptible to Enchantress as she can completely negate the effects of all cards in that lane – unless you have Cosmo there, too, that is. Echo is another counter that you’re less likely to see but one to watch out for if you’re running a combo-heavy Moonstone deck.
Moonstone naturally fits into strong lists that have low-cost Ongoing cards at their core. At the moment, there are two prominent contenders: Patriot and Victoria Hand featuring Devil Dinosaur. Let’s take a look at the former:
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Thankfully, there are no Series 5 cards in this list other than Moonstone.
You’ve played against Patriot before, I’m sure. Drop Patriot into Mystique and then play Ultron on the final turn to fill the other lanes with 6 power Drones, bringing them up to 24 power total. If you manage to play a Moonstone on top of that Patriot and Mystique, that doubles to 48 power – if I’ve done my math right. Without a direct counter like Enchantress, there are very few scenarios where that line loses.
Ant-Man and Dazzler make this list as they combo very well with Moonstone if you can’t quite put together the aforementioned combo, while Iron Lad lends a hand looking for any number of cards in this deck. Finally, Invisible Woman is great to drop Patriot and Mystique behind because she will protect them from direct counters – except for Alioth. Watch out for the purple cloud monster.
Related: Best Lasher Decks in Marvel Snap
The next list I recommend slotting Moonstone into is the popular Victoria Hand list with Devil Dinosaur and Wiccan. Take a look:
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The Series 5 cards in this list are Victoria Hand and Wiccan, both of which are unfortunately irreplaceable, and Copycat that you can swap out for an applicable 3-cost card: Red Guardian, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and so forth.
Devil Dinosaur is a classic list: you want to play the big red dino on turn 5 before copying the effect with Mystique and dropping Agent Coulson in another lane to fill up your hand. Victoria Hand makes this all the more potent by buffing up the arrows from Hawkeye Kate Bishop, extra Sentinels, and Agent Coulson’s cards, while also giving Mystique another target.
With Moonstone included, this list takes a bit more forethought to play: you want to predict where your Mystique will end up. If copying a Devil Dinosaur, play Moonstone preemptively into that lane (or on the same turn if you got Wiccan off). If copying Victoria Hand, make sure you leave room for Moonstone to slot in there.
With a copied Victoria Hand by Mystique and a Moonstone played into that lane, your Sentinels suddenly ramp up to 9 power cards. Potent, especially as they’ll keep your hands full for Devil Dinosaur to win another lane. Just be careful where you play Cosmo – you’ll need him to counter the Rogues and Enchantresses running amok to counter Moonstone.
Yes, I think Moonstone is worth it and is arguably the card that will have the longest impact on the game released this month. Being able to synergize with Mystique opens up a realm of possibilities, and I didn’t even touch here how she can fit into Zoo decks quite readily. Whenever an Ongoing card releases – no matter the cost – players will definitely consider how it synergizes with Moonstone. Expect a meta-relevant deck or three to follow her release.
And those are the best Moonstone decks in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snapis available to playnow.