After Anime Last Stand set the groundwork for anime-themed TD games, many have tried to recapture its essence with their projects. Only some managed to live up to the task, with most developers ripping off ALS’ formula, but I’m happy to report that Anime Genesis is an exception!
With well-balanced gameplay mechanics and an excellent presentation, you’ll soon be sinking hours into this game without noticing the time fly by. Once you reach the more difficult stages, you can rely on Anime Genesis codes to give you tons of Gems and Reroll Tokens, allowing you to add powerful towers to your arsenal. If you want to redeem freebies in the game that started it all, we urge you to visit our Anime Last Stand codes guide!
All Anime Genesis Codes List
Working Anime Genesis Codes
Visit80K—Redeem for 500 Gems (New)
Visit50K—Redeem for 500 Gems(New)
XestreasGame—Redeem for 600 Gems(New)
Visit20K—Redeem for 400 Gems(New)
Release—Redeem for 500 Gems
AnimeGenesis—Redeem for 50 Gems
TkzTonkarz—Redeem for 100 Gems
Watchpixel—Redeem for 200 Gems
Itskeen—Redeem for 100 Gems
Chnisphngs—Redeem for 50 Gems
JetozaCH—Redeem for 3 Reroll Tokens
WilliamXs—Redeem for a Reroll Token
Aless1tox—Redeem for a Reroll Token
ExpiredAnime Genesis Codes
There are currently no expiredAnime Genesiscodes.
Related: Anime World Tower Defense (AWTD) Codes
How to Redeem Anime Genesis Codes
The short n’sweet guide below will help you redeem Anime Genesis codes with ease: