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How To Get the Staff of Ice on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies


With an all-new Call of Duty Zombies map comes a new Wonder Weapon. Returning from Origins in Black Ops II, the Staff of Ice is now available to use in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Here’s how to get the Ice Staff on The Tomb.

Can You Get the Staff of Ice from the Mystery Box on The Tomb? Answered

Back when the Staff of Ice was first introduced in Black Ops II Zombies, players had to find three parts to craft the weapon. While this is also true here in Black Ops 6, fans looking to get right into the action in The Tomb will be pleased to hear you can actually get the Staff of Ice from the Mystery Box in this map. That being said, this relies heavily on RNG luck. While you can sway the odds by using the “Wunderbar!” GobbleGum, this doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the Staff of Ice since the Ray Gun is in the box as well. So, here’s how to build the Staff of Ice to ensure there’s no luck involved.

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How To Build the Staff of Ice on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

How To Get the Staff of Ice Monocle on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Similar to Black Ops II, the new Staff of Ice requires players to collect three parts in order to build it. The first and most straightforward part most players will get within a match is the Monocle. This Monocle will be dropped by the first Shock Mimic killed by a player in a match of The Tomb in Black Ops 6. Once you kill the Shock Mimic, walk over to the Monocle and use the interact button to add it to your inventory.

How To Get the Staff of Ice Head Piece on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

The next two parts for the Staff of Ice have fairly similar unlock processes. Both parts require players to complete a similar puzzle and survive a lockdown to acquire. Also, note that these pieces can be acquired in any order.

To get the Staff of Ice’s Head Piece, you’ll need to head to the Neolithic Catacombs section of the map. Here, players will need to find the wall with the cave painting and shoot sections of the lit wall it adorns. However, you may notice that there are no lights on the wall in your game. If this is the case, you essentially need to illuminate the area with the Dark Aether lanterns around the Neolithic Catacombs. Shoot one of the lanterns with purple fire on it. After a short time, (usually around the start of the next round) the fire will respawn in a different lantern. Once the lantern closest to the painted wall is lit, you’ll be able to see the symbols on the wall.

If the lanterns are not yet spawned in your match, head to the Dark Aether Nexus and then return. If they still aren’t there, you may need to progress a few rounds

This step requires you to shoot the symbols in the correct order. The symbols correspond to Roman Numerals. They need to be shot in order of least to greatest, from I to II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VII, IX, and X. This step is fairly forgiving, as if you hit the wrong number you’ll be able to resume from the last one you hit correctly. Just be sure to do this with a bullet weapon, as weapons that do splash or explosive damage can easily mess up this step.

Once you’ve completed this step correctly, a constellation will be fully lit up on the wall. This will trigger a brief lockdown. During this time, you will not be able to leave the area and be continually attacked by zombies and special enemies. This can be a bit of a challenge, so try to do this on the lowest round you can, and make sure you have some armor, perks, and perhaps a Pack-a-Punched weapon. Once the lockdown is completed, the Staff of Ice Head Piece will be available to grab at the wall with the mural and constellation.

How To Get the Staff of Ice Staff Piece on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

The third piece to craft the Staff of Ice is simply the Staff itself. The process to get this piece is very similar to the Head Piece. Head to the Tombs room. Again, you’ll want to shoot the lanterns until the purple fire has moved to the correct location. This location is nearest to the Bull Mural with its head facing to the left, charging at some attacking Romans. Like the cave painting in the Neolithic Catacombs, this wall will become illuminated with Roman Numerals. You want to shoot them in ascending order, starting at I, then II, III, IV, V, V, VII, and VIII. Once you’ve done so, this will also trigger a lockdown. Survive it, and you’ll be rewarded with another part for the Staff of Ice, which can now be assembled in the Dark Aether Nexus.

How To Finish the Staff of Ice on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Now that you have all the parts required, open the Door to Nowhere if you haven’t already, and head to the Dark Aether Nexus. Head to the large structure in the center of the area and place the three parts for the Staff of Ice by holding interact. This will trigger an onslaught of zombies, special, and potentially even elite enemies to spawn in. They will try to attack the Ice Staff, preventing it from being assembled. You need to defend the Staff from these zombies long enough for it to be assembled. This can be a difficult challenge, so be sure to stock up on perks, upgrade your weapons, and consider using GobbleGums like Kill Joy and Free Fire to improve your damage output.

After some time, if you’ve defended the Staff of Ice successfully it will be assembled, yours for the taking.

And that’s how to get the Staff of Ice on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6isavailable now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC

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