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Best Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown


Space-Time Smackdown is the Diamond and Pearl-themed expansion set for Pokemon TCG Pocket. As you might expect, it shakes up the meta-game pretty damn significantly. Here are the best decks to build first in Pokemon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown.

Table of contents

  • Pokemon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown Best Decks
    • Darkrai Ex/Weavile Ex
    • Metal Dialga Ex
    • Yanmega/Exeggutor
    • Pachirisu Ex

Pokemon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown Best Decks

Darkrai Ex/Weavile Ex

  • Sneasel x2
  • Weavile Ex x2
  • Murkrow x2
  • Honchkrow x2
  • Darkrai Ex x2
  • Dawn x2
  • Cyrus
  • Leaf x2
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Great Cape x2

Aside from the obvious Ex cards, the real star of this deck is Dawn, the brand new Supporter card that allows you to move one Energy from a Benched Pokemon to an Active Pokemon. As you probably know at this point, Energy allocation is incredibly important in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and having a Supporter card that lets you move it around can be a serious game-changer.

Couple that with Darkrai Ex, who comes with the ability to deal an extra 20 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon when you move an Energy to it, and you’ve got a pretty powerful combo there. You can then follow that up with an attack from Weavile Ex, who can deal extra damage on a Pokemon that’s already been hurt.

Backing up the Ex Pokemon are Murkrow and Honchkrow, who serve as good filler attackers while you build up your bench.

Metal Dialga Ex

  • Meltan x2
  • Melmetal x2
  • Dialga Ex x2
  • Mew Ex
  • Heatran
  • Tauros
  • Dawn
  • Giovanni x2
  • Leaf x2
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Giant Cape x2

Ever since the Genetic Apex days of Pokemon TCG Pocket, Meltan and Melmetal (along with other Metal-type Pokemon) have seriously struggled. They saw a bit of a resurgence during Mythical Island, but it looks like this could finally be a competitive archetype with the release of Dialga Ex.

The nice thing about Dialga Ex is that it adds a lot more consistency to this deck. Metallic Turbo allows you to attach two Metal Energy to your Benched Pokemon, which lets you ramp up to Melmetal a lot faster.

I’ve also included Mew Ex and Tauros in the list as counters, and Tauros in particular should benefit greatly from Metallic Turbo as well.


  • Exeggcute (GA) x2
  • Exeggutor Ex x2
  • Yanma x2
  • Yanmega Ex x2
  • Mew Ex
  • Erika x2
  • Leaf x2
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Rocky Helmet x2
  • Pokemon Communication

The Grass-type decks saw a huge surge in popularity with the release of Celebi Ex in Mythical Island, but really, the true star of the show has always been Exeggutor Ex. With the release of Yanmega Ex, it looks like Exeggutor Ex is going to continue to stay in the spotlight.

Yanmega Ex doesn’t do anything super flashy, but it is a very consistent attacker. Being able to deal 120 damage with Air Slash is nothing to sneeze at, and Exeggutor Ex can serve as your frontline attacker while you build up Yanmega Ex. Let’s not forget the tremendous amount of healing that Erika brings to the table as well, and the new Rocky Helmet Pokemon Tool that gives you an extra line of defense.

Pachirisu Ex

  • Pachirisu Ex x2
  • Mew Ex
  • Zapdos Ex x2
  • Cyrus
  • Giovanni
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Rocky Helmet x2
  • Giant Cape x2
  • Lum Berry
  • X Speed x2
  • Potion x2

This decklist doesn’t have a whole ton of Pokemon, but that’s because we really want to lean into Pachirisu Ex’s ability to really capitalize on Pokemon Tool usage. When it has a Pokemon Tool attached, it can deal 80 damage with just two Electric Energy, which is fantastic value. Giant Cape and Rocky Helmet help make it tankier, and the Potions are there to help sustain it for most of the match.

Backing it up, we have Zapdos Ex, which still continues to be a very reliable attacker while you build up your Bencn and wait for your draws.

And those are our picks for the best decks to build first in Pokemon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game.

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