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How to get Toxel and evolution Toxtricity in Pokémon Go


Toxel and Toxtricity, its evolution, debuted in Pokémon Go during the Max Out season. Shiny Toxel and shiny Toxtricity were also released at the same time.

Toxel originates in the Galar region, making it part of Gen 8, and, alongside Toxtricity, it is an Electric and Poison-type Pokémon. What makes these two Pokémon unique is the fact that Toxtricity can evolve into two forms - Amped Toxtricity and Low Key Toxtricity - with both of these forms being present in Pokémon Go.

Down below we'll take a look at how to get Toxel in Pokémon Go, alongside how to evolve Toxel into Toxtricity, a preview of shiny Toxel and a look at both Amped and Low Key Toxtricity.

On this page:

  • How to get Toxel
  • How to evolve Toxel into Toxtricity
  • Amped and Low Key Form Toxtricity explained
  • What does shiny Toxel and Toxtricity look like?
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How to get Toxel in Pokémon Go

Toxel made its global debut during the In the Wild event in November 2024. Though players who attended the Fukuoka, Japan Wild Area event were able to obtain it a little earlier.

Here's how you can get Toxel during In the Wild:

  • 10km eggs - Tier Three

As you can see there's currently only one way to obtain a Toxel in Pokémon Go and we wouldn't be surprised if it remains trapped in the 10km egg pool for a while. Hope you own some good walking boots!

It's important to note that Toxel will be in the 10km you can collect during the Wild Area 2024: Global event. This was also true of the Fukuoka event and there Toxel sat on Tier One of the egg pool; it may have been sitting alongside three other Pokémon, but this placement still means it was easier to hatch during the event. While we can't confirm this fact will return for Wild Area: Global, it's worth keeping in mind if you don't get a Toxel during In the Wild.

When it comes to actually hatching a Toxel, the first rule to remember is that it will only be present in the 10km eggs you collect from Monday 18th November onwards. Any unhatched 10km eggs you've collected before this date will not contain a Toxel.

For this reason, if you have one of these eggs and haven't placed it in an Incubator yet, we recommend ignoring it for the duration of In the Wild. Instead, it's better to focus on hatching any 10km eggs that could actually produce a Toxel or, if you need the room in your egg storage, a 2km egg. Following this method ensures you're either attempting to hatch a Toxel or making space in your egg storage for additional 10km eggs.

If you don't want to spend any real world money on Incubators, then you could focus on simply filling your egg storage with 10km eggs that include Toxel in their egg pool. This doesn't guarantee you a Toxel, but will hopefully give you nine chances to obtain one.

We don't currently know if Toxel will become a mainstay in the 10km egg pool once Wild Area 2024: Global has ended, but we wouldn't be surprised if it did. As you'll see below, it's very similar to Larvesta - a rare Pokémon confined to eggs with a high candy requirement for its evolution - so we wish you all the luck in hatching one.

How to evolve Toxel into Toxtricity in Pokémon Go

You need 400 Toxel Candy to evolve Toxel into Toxtricity in Pokémon Go. When you do, it will evolve into either the Amped or Low Key Form and, at the time of writing, the exact Toxtricity Form you get appears to be selected at random.

Toxel is another member of the infamous 'Needs 400 Candy to evolve' club in Pokémon Go, which can make Toxtricity a very tricky Pokémon to add to your Pokédex. If you're unlucky when it comes to hatching Toxel, you'll need to use Rare Candy or walk an awfully long way with Toxel as your buddy to get enough candy for this evolution.

There is, however, a work-around in the form of Gigantamax Toxtricity, which is being released worldwide as part of Wild Area 2024: Global. If you manage to defeat a Gigantamax Toxtricity, you'll be able to catch it straight after the battle - allowing you to completely sidestep the candy requirement. Both Amped and Low Key Form have Gigantamax forms too, so you can just head straight to the form you prefer.

Yet, this method has three downsides. The first being that Gigantamax battles are, at the time of writing, the hardest fights you can undertake in Pokémon Go. Due to this, you'll definitely need to battle Gigantamax Toxtricity alongside a group of other players. Secondly, you can not use Remote Raid Passes for Max Battles, so you have to attend these battles in-person. If you don't know anyone else who plays Pokémon Go, we recommend either looking for a local Pokémon Go group or using Niantic's Campfire app. Finally, at the time of writing, Gigantamax Toxtricity battles are only occurring during Wild Area 2024: Global (Saturday 23rd November and Sunday 24th November) and, while they will surely return, we can't say when.

The Max Out Season is here. The new global event, Wild Area, is nearly here and In the Wild is our lead-up event, which includes the global release of Toxel. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest.Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

Amped and Low Key Form Toxtricity in Pokémon Go explained

Amped and Low Key are the names of the two forms Toxtricity can evolve into, with both being present in Pokémon Go. Both the names and appearance of these forms appeared to have been inspired by punk rock music.

Amped and Low Key refer to how music can be played (with electric amplification, for example), while their appearance is reminiscent of British punk culture. Even the pink and yellow colouring of shiny Toxtricity match the colours used on Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols - the Sex Pistols debut album. This is all very fitting since Galar, the home of Gen 8 and Toxtricity, is based upon the United Kingdom. Personally, I also think the name 'Toxtricty' might have been inspired by System of a Down's song, Toxicity.

When it comes to where the two forms sit in the Pokémon Go meta, it's important to note that both are identical stat-wise and moves; meaning, if you only have an Amped Toxtricity, you're also essentially running a Low Key Toxtricity and vice versa. Since the differences are purely cosmetic at the time of writing, obtaining both Toxtricity forms is an act only done for players who want to fully complete their Pokédex and not have a strange little shadow hanging out in the Pokémon's entry.

If you do want to use it, then the best place for Toxtricity will be the Great League (though there are better options…) Electric and Poison-type are an interesting combination after all, especially with how it makes Toxtricity's only weaknesses Psychic and Ground-type Pokémon.

Shiny Toxel: What does shiny Toxel and Toxtricity look like in Pokémon Go?

Yes, shiny Toxel and shiny Toxtricity are in Pokémon Go. Since these forms were released as part of the In the Wild and Wild Area 2024: Global events, both shiny Toxel and Toxtricity have been available since the Pokémon made their Pokémon Go debuts. Best of all, however, is that neither shinies are green.

As you can see in the preview below, the purple shading for Toxel and Toxtricity's two forms is switched for a dark pink shade. One that is darker when it comes to both Amped and Low Key Toxtricity. The result is three cool looking shiny forms that are very obviously shiny forms unlike some other Pokémon I could mention…

Thank you GabeBit08 from reddit for the above preview of shiny Toxel and Toxtricity.

Best of luck when it comes to finding a Toxel and evolving it into Toxtricity!

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