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Ultimate SWORN Beginner’s Guide


SWORN offers a wealth of build options and investment paths, which can feel overwhelming at first. Fortunately, the game gives you plenty of flexibility to play your way — it’s just a matter of finding the approach that suits you best. We've put together this SWORN beginner's guide to set you on the right path toward mastering the Vigilante, Monk, Rook, or Specter. With the right tips and tricks, you’ll extend your runs and make the most of every attempt.

How to Get Currencies in SWORN

There are a total of 6 different currencies in SWORN and you’ll often be forced to choose between them, or if you unlocked the Trials of Combat, sometimes you’ll get the extra chance to farm certain currencies. To make your decision less daunting, here is what each currency is for and when you should prioritize collecting them:

CurrencyDescriptionHow to Use
GoldSpent in Shops during your runsGold does not carry over to your next run, so use it while you can! Choose Gold when testing how far your build can go. Shops offer useful upgrades and Healing Items, but they’re not cheap! Setting some Gold aside for emergencies is a good precaution and can often turn the tides when things get tough.
Grail WaterUnlocks spells and eventually upgrades weaponsGrail Water isn’t common, especially early on. If you want to invest in your favorite weapons, pick up this currency whenever you see it.
Fairy EmbersUnlocks new weapons and charactersIf you want to try out all the characters, Weapons, and Spells prioritize this currency! Some later unlockables have steep prices.
MoonstoneUnlocks bonus featuresMoonstones are rare, but they allow you to purchase opportunities for extra rewards through Trials of Combat or Bounty Board completions. Alternatively, they can unlock new Shops or Blessings to enhance your runs.
Crystal ShardUnlocks Arcane PowersStart choosing Crystal Shards over Gold when your run starts losing steam. Sometimes, it’s best to go back and invest in stronger permanent passives.
SilkUnlocks cosmeticsArguably, the least important currency unless you’re aiming for a specific cosmetic.

Fae Lords - How to Pick Your Blessings in SWORN

Know your Fae Lords and what they best synergize with. What the “right” choice for you ultimately depends on your build and personal preference. A good rule of thumb is to focus on 1 - 2 Fae Lords with good synergy, for example:

  • Fast Weapons: Gogmagog + Lugh for a deadly, immobilizing, crit combo
  • Spell Build: Beira (Spell regen passives) + Lugh (Single-target Spell)/Oberon (Multi-hit Spell) damage increase

To help you choose which synergies to play around with, we’ve broken down each Fae Lord and outlined where they shine best.

Fae LordBlessing DescriptionWorks Great With
Babd, The Dark OmenGives Attack/Spell the Backstab ability (deal a certain percentage bonus damage when attacking from behind).

Grants mobility buffs such as faster Dash recharge speed and Invisibility.
+ Vigilante's Shadow Strike Spell
+ Boomerang-style Weapons
+ Overhead Attacks/Spells
+ Co-op sessions
Beira, The Frozen WitchIncreases damage by a flat amount and inflicts Chill (slows enemy movement and attack speed, up to 10 stacks)

Spell Charge Blessings (increases max Charges or regen speed).
+ Fast Weapons
+ Multi-hit Spells
Cilona, Mother of BansheesIncreases Damage by a certain percentage and inflicts Weak (reduces enemy damage).+ Heavy-hitting Attacks/Spells (for highest scaling)
Gogmagog, The Last GiantIncreases Damage by a certain percentage and inflicts Stagger (enemies become temporarily stunned and are immobilized).+ Fast Weapons (applies Stagger faster)
Lugh, The Hand of FateIncreases Damage by a certain percentage and gives your attacks/spells the chance to Critical Hit.

Grants Gold-earning passives or additional skills that cost Gold to use (50% damage reduction in exchange for 20 coins per save, for example).
+ Fast Weapons (more chances for Critical Hits)
+ Hard-hitting Weapons (best damage scaling)
+ Dash
Mab, Queen of SpidersApplies Venom (deals a flat amount of damage over time)
Applies Infected (inflicts enemies with a short-duration Infected status effect. If the enemy dies, a Spider spawns. Spiders fight alongside you for a set duration of time).

Health regeneration passives
+ Fast Weapons (to apply most stacks of Venom)
+ Dash
Oberon, King of the FaeIncreases Damage incrementally by a certain percentage (up to 10 stacks)+ Fast Weapons (most consistent for max stack upkeep)
Tatiana, Queen of the FaeApplies Ignite (single instance of a high-percentage Damage Bonus). Has a cooldown of 8 or fewer seconds.+ Single-target Spells
+ Heavy-hitting Attacks

How to Upgrade Weapons in SWORN

The best Weapons in SWORN are ultimately the ones that cater to your playstyle. The Vigilante is a great starting character with versatile ranged and close combat options. To grasp your general playstyle, try playing around with some builds like:

  • Sword + Blade Rush for an agile, close-combat build
  • Bow + Dagger Flurry for a full-ranged build
  • Bow + Shadow Strike for a ranged assassin build
  • Chakrams + Shadow Strike for a full backstab build

Weapon upgrades aren’t available at the start of the game — you’ll unlock this feature after defeating Sir Gawain. To use your Grail Water most efficiently, it’s best to hold off on upgrades until you’re confident in your weapon choice.

Best Arcane Powers to Invest in Early

SWORN has 5 Arcane Power branches: Life, War, Wealth, Devotion, and Treasure. But in the early game, you’ll most likely only have access to the first two.

  • Life improves your overall starting health and grants health regen abilities.
  • War improves Spell Damage, Movement Speed, and reduces your Ally Revival cost.
  • Wealth gives Gold at the start of your run, unlocks a passive Gold-earning ability, and reduces your Ally Revival cost.
  • Devotion slightly increases Blessing rarity.
  • Treasure increases how much currency you are rewarded.

Which tree you prioritize largely depends on your fighting style: does your survivability stem from a larger health pool or dishing out more Spell damage?

Regardless of your preference, I strongly recommend picking up the Resurrection Token Arcane Power as soon as you can. This ability gives you another chance to continue your run, making it an invaluable early-game investment.

Now that you know more about SWORN, check out 10 Best Action Games on Pro Game Guides.

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