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Best SWORN Builds


The sheer number of build combinations can feel overwhelming for new players. With some Fae Lord’s Blessings capable of making or breaking a run, understanding how to build your character is key to taking down King Arthur. This guide will break down the best Weapons, Spells, and Fae Lord synergies for Vigilante and Monk in SWORN and help you maximize their strengths.

Best Builds in SWORN

The best builds in SWORN come from understanding how your Weapons and Spells interact with the Blessings you receive. Since RNG determines what you have to work with, it’s unlikely you’ll recreate the same build every time. Instead of chasing a perfect setup, focus on acquiring two key Fae Lord Blessings and build around their strengths. For example:

  • Stealth builds excel with high-scaling damage Fae Lords like Babd, Lugh, and Tatiana, but struggle with Gogmagog, who relies on rapid hits to charge his Stagger meter.
  • Ranged builds should avoid Dash Blessings, as most are designed for dodging enemies at close-combat.

With that in mind, here’s a breakdown of the best builds for Vigilante and Monk in SWORN:

CharacterWeaponSkillMain Fae LordSecondary Fae Lord
VigilanteChakramsShadow StrikeBabdTatiana
MonkTomeBlack HoleTatiana

Best Vigilante Build in SWORN

Success with Vigilante comes down to Shadow Strike + Babd, making it crucial to prioritize as many Babd Blessings as possible. The Chakram has an unlockable passive called Rebound Blades, granting a +50% damage increase when returning to Vigilante. Doubling down with Babd's Deadly Precision Blessing lets you boost all Backstab damage at once for devastating results.

Here are the key Blessings to prioritize when playing as Vigilante:

WeaponSpellMain Fae LordSecondary Fae Lord
ChakramsShadow StrikeBabd (Spell)Tatiana/Lugh or Mab/Oberon (Heavy Attack): Backstab into single-hit Ignite/Crit or stack-building Venom/Fury combo

Babd (Light Attack + Deadly Precision) double-scaling Backstab damage.

Beira (Spell regen passives)

Best Monk Build in SWORN

Monk excels at ranged combat, especially with the Tome + Black Hole combo. Unlike Vigilante, Monk isn’t as reliant on specific Fae Lords — her strength comes from the ability to attack from anywhere. To maximize her damage output, focus on heavy-hitting Blessings from Lugh and Tatiana.

Here are the key Blessings to prioritize when playing as Monk:

WeaponSpellMain Fae LordSecondary Fae Lord
TomeBlack HoleTatiana/Lugh (Spell/Heavy Attack)Babd (Heavy Attack)

Oberon (Light Attack + Damage-increasing passives)

Beira (Spell regen passives): If your main damage output is from Black Hole

Lugh (Dash): The only Dash that has synergy with ranged characters

For more SWORN, check out our Ultimate SWORN Beginner’s Guide on Pro Game Guides.

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