Correct me if I’m wrong, but Every Second You Get Older drains a bit of inspiration from Sifu, but only when it comes to getting older. Complete various amusing challenges around the map to gain various resources, remember to rebirth as often as possible, and become ancient in style.
Since your job is to chase extra Wins (most of the time), we did our best to find all the active Every Second You Get Older codes. Use them whenever you need extra freebies quickly. To enjoy another fun Roblox title, check out our list of Fish Training codes.
Related: Shonen Unleashed Codes
Having trouble redeeming Every Second You Get Older codes? Follow our step-by-step instructions below:
If you want to stay up-to-date with Every Second You Get Older codes, we suggest bookmarking this guide (CTRL+D) and checking back often since we do our best to find the latest ones and place them here so you don’t have to waste time doing so.
However, for more info about the game, special events, or tips and tricks, feel free to visit the developer’s social media platforms, such as the Children Falling Inc Roblox group and the Xerbss Discord server.
Always double-check your spelling before entering Every Second You Get Older codes. To avoid typos, we suggest copying the code from our Working list and pasting it straight into the game. Also, remember to use these codes ASAP since they can expire after a few days. If you run into an expired code, let us know, and we will investigate the issue.
Every Second You Get Older is a Roblox game heavily inspired by obby games because you have a bunch of challenges around the map that you have to complete to obtain Wins. As time passes, you grow older, and rebirthing can help you slow down that process.
For more codes in similar titles, head over to our articles on Dungeon Tower codes and Solo Challenging Simulator codes, and claim various freebies!