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How Do Elevating Shoes Work In Dragon Quest 3: HD-2D Remake?


As many players are beginning to dive into Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake, one of the earlier pieces of equipment you can get, Elevated Shoes, may seem a bit unclear how they work. Here’s what you need to know.

How To Use Elevating Shoes In Dragon Quest 3: HD-2D Remake

Elevating Shoes is an accessory piece of equipment that is hard to come across naturally in the game, unless you fancy killing Metal Slimes, but if you pre-ordered the game, you’ll receive this accessory as part of the game’s pre-order bonus. As for what it does, it allows the player to passively earn experience points as they explore the world, as well as providing a luck bonus of +50.

While the luck component is pretty straightforward, how this item increases your EXP gain is a bit murkier. In essence, if you have Elevating Shoes equipped, each step you take in an area that has monsters will result in the player receiving a single additional EXP point. While that may not sound like a lot, it’s ideal for characters who are at low levels to help quickly boost their level. It would still be best to get into combat encounters to earn larger sums of EXP, but it’s still a nice little addition to help speed up grinding.

While it may seem most beneficial to equip Elevating Shoes when you’re just starting out on your journey in Dragon Quest III and then abandoning them for better equipment, don’t sell them! Later on in the game, when you get the ability to switch classes, you’ll drop back to level 1 upon changing classes and it’s imperative to get your characters back up to a healthy level. Thankfully, equipping a pair of Elevating Shoes and walking around will help get those levels up quickly. Just make sure you’re walking around the overworld, as it won’t work if you’re just pacing around a town.

And that’s how Elevating Shoes work in Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake!

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remakeis available on November 14, 2024, on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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