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10 Best Mods for Vintage Story


With a focus on creation and exploration, the survival-focused sandbox game Vintage Story gives players immersive gameplay with intricate farming, crafting, and survival mechanics. While Vintage Story gives players enough activities to get started with, mods can elevate gameplay to the next level. 

Best Vintage Story Mods

Carry On

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

With small inventories come big problems. When collecting survival items, it can be infuriating having to drop other supplies or leave some behind. This mod (replacing the older CarryCapacity version) allows the player to carry chests, baskets, and certain blocks – increasing the inventory capacity. It does come with a few downsides; for instance, players may find it difficult not being able to sprint or have issues integrating their current keyboard set-up, but it could be worth finding a workaround if it means keeping all your hard-earned loot. 

Primitive Survival

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

For players who enjoy a more difficult survival experience, this Vintage Story mod introduces new features and elements to enhance the wilderness survival aspect of the game. It is inspired by real-life extreme survival TV shows and gives players a stronger need to strategize and plan their game early on. If a player wants to push themselves and test the in-game elements, the realistic feel of this mod is a good way to do so. 


Image via mods.vintagestory.at

One of the key attractions of open-world sandbox games is the ability to alter and customize a realistic world. With mods like this, the realism is taken one step further, with plants and trees appearing in the correct biomes but with the ability to change this however the player sees fit. The mod’s creator has thoroughly thought through how this change affects the creatures in-game and has explanations on the best way to tackle installation.

K’s Realistic Farming

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

If hunting and gathering is not a player’s go-to game activity, then this mod might offer them an alternative way to keep themselves alive. Farming has become a much-loved aspect of cozy games, so much so that it has been seen in more and more games across the board. This Vintage Story mod expands upon the mechanics already in play, offering new seeds to plant and changes in crop growth. With new recipes and textures, the creator has added elements to grow the farming aspect of Vintage Story even further. 

Medieval Expansion

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

For an even more rustic look in Vintage Story, players could create a historical castle or stronghold, fortifying their position when fighting for survival. With new weapons, armor, building materials, and more, this mod introduces a wide array of medieval-themed items. The Medieval Expansion mod has cultivated an aesthetic that speaks to anyone who wishes to build their own fantasy world or simply wants to create something from the past.

More Animals

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

This mod increases the variety of wildlife in the game, adding new kinds for hunting and farming. Expanding the amount and type of creatures in-game is great for immersion. It makes exploring the vast surroundings somewhat more exciting since players will not do so just for survival reasons. As of the end of January 2025, the More Animals mod has been updated to keep compatibility with Vintage Story 1.19.

Expanded Foods

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

If a player enjoys farming and cooking in Vintage Story, this mod is a must-have. It introduces a wider variety of crops, ingredients, and recipes, updating cooking mechanics and making the activity of staving off starvation more engaging. With more depth added to the culinary aspect of the game, farming can become less tiresome and more rewarding, especially when it contributes to survival. Expanded Food also adds new cooking utensils and tools and is compatible with a wide variety of other mods but does need A Culinary Artillery 1.2.3 mod to work. 

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Image via mods.vintagestory.at

For building enthusiasts, this mod makes constructing detailed and varied structures easier and more interesting. With new brick types, materials, and late-game mechanics like Glassmaking and Glazing, the building in Vintage Story is far more customizable. Players who like to focus on the creativity of the game will be able to put the new blocks to good use in all kinds of different designs. 

Expanded Traders 

Image via mods.vintagestory.at

Using the in-game currency of Rusty Gears, players can buy and sell items through non-player traders. This mod significantly increases this game mechanic, expanding upon the different kinds of merchants and what they sell. Players can now encounter traders who specialize in specific goods, such as rare building materials, exotic foods, or advanced tools. Trading can be an excellent way to find and acquire valuable resources without excessive or difficult grinding in dangerous locations, as well as making gameplay more immersive with trade routes and more interactions.


Image via mods.vintagestory.at

Players who would like an RPG-like progression system for “leveling up” their characters will benefit from this mod, which does just that. As players perform tasks, they gain experience and level up in various abilities such as farming, mining, and crafting. Adding a rewarding character progression to gameplay. Players can customize their skill sets to fit their playstyle, whether they want to become a master blacksmith, expert miner, or skilled farmer. XSkills is perfect for those who enjoy long-term progression and character development.

These mods significantly expand Vintage Story’s mechanics and offer new ways to play. Whether you are looking for added survival elements, better building options, or more immersive details, they will enhance your experience.

Vintage Story is available now on PC.

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