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All Building & Landmark Locations in Dead Rails


In the forsaken wastelands of Dead Rails, you need to survive as a team or on your own by scavenging for resources and fending off enemies. During exploration, you'll find the same type of buildings and points of interest (POI) pop up again and again. Here's a guide listing all the landmark locations in Dead Rail and what you can find inside them.

All Buildings and Landmarks in Dead Rails - POI List

After adding fuel to your train at the base camp, you can begin the exploration journey during which you'll find several building types along the way. In addition to the regular houses where you can find valuables, junk, zombies, and weapons, the following landmark locations may appear as you venture into the desert:

  • Trading Post
  • General Store
  • Gunsmith
  • Doctor
  • Sheriff
  • Bank
  • Town

Trading Post

Trading Post is where you begin the game by selling the gold bar for money at the base. This building appears often in the wilderness and you can use it to sell all kinds of valuables you've collected along the way. You can also sell corpses of powerful zombies like vampires and werewolves for money. Simply place whatever you want to sell on the table and collect the money given in return.

General Store

At the General Store, you can purchase items that fulfill your survival needs. This includes Coal to fuel the train, Torch for the night, and Dynamite to blow up waves of hostiles. Most importantly, General Stores offers items like Barbed Wire and Metal Sheets that can be used to fortify the train to protect you from zombie attacks, especially at night. Therefore, instead of buying coal, use zombie and horse corpses to fuel the train and spend the cash to buy the aforementioned fortification tools.


The Gunsmith building is where you can purchase weapons and ammunition from. You can buy guns like Revolver, Rifle, Turret, and Shotgun. I suggest you save your money and avoid buying weapons in Dead Rails as you can obtain these for free from most buildings in the wastelands. However, if you want something powerful like the Rifle, go ahead and make the purchase. Furthermore, stock up on ammo for the weapons you're carrying.


The banner on top of the medical store in Dead Rail will say Doctor and this is the building where you can purchase healing items like Bandage and Snake Oil. Although your character will regenerate health slowly, use these items to instantly regain lost HP when in need. You can also find other junk items and valuables inside this POI just like any other building.


Sheriff's Office is where I've often found valuables and free weapons lying around. I've also frequently found armor at these police stations. This is also the place where you can deposit Outlaws to claim the bounty on their heads (see second image). Outlaws can be found roaming around in the wastelands riding horses, but beware before getting close as they have good aim and can take you out quickly.


Bank is one of the rarest buildings I come across in Dead Rails, but I make sure to visit there when I see one. You can find valuables like statues and silver cups at these locations, but the real prize is behind the locked vault. This vault requires a code and this can only be obtained by finding and killing the zombie with the top hat. Get the bank combo and unlock the vault to get your hand on several gold bars and other valuables at once.


Every once in a while you'll come up on a Town with several buildings, including the ones we've discussed above. This is a high-risk, high-reward area that you should visit if confident about your healing supplies and weapons. Get ready not only to fight waves of regular zombies but also some huge monstrous ones. Clear out the town and loot it up for some hefty rewards.

Now that you all the major POIs and buildings, you know where to stop and what place is of your interest. Hence, you can save a lot of time by simply avoiding visiting landmarks that add no value to your current survival needs. Finally, I must add that keep yourself prepared for the night as special zombies like the Werewolves are active during that period. If it's a blood moon, just keep the train moving to avoid any skirmishes with the Vampires.

For more on Roblox, check out Dead Rails Items Price List – Roblox on Pro Game Guides.

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