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All Items in Dead Rails and How to get them


Dead Rails is an amazing Roblox game, and it plays similar to A Dusty Trip, which means there are many items in the game. There are weapons, resources, junk, valuable, and more items, which can be confusing. So, in this guide, I'll be telling you all the Dead Rails items and how to get them.

All Dead Rails items and how to get them

There are tons of items in Dead Rails, and to make things easier, I have divided them into categories.

All Weapons and how to get them

ItemHow to get
TurretPurchased from the Weapon shop or found randomly in buildings.
ShotgunPurchased from the Weapon shop or found randomly in buildings.
RevolverPurchased from the Weapon shop or found randomly in buildings.
RiflePurchased from the Weapon shop or found randomly in buildings.
Sawed-Off ShotgunPurchased with the game pass or found randomly in buildings.

All Healing items and how to get them

ItemHow to get
BandagePurchased from the Doctor's shop or found randomly in buildings.
Dr Rico's Cure (Snake Oil)Purchased from the Doctor's shop or found randomly in buildings.

All Resources and how to get them

ItemHow to get
DynamitePurchased from the General Store or found randomly in buildings.
CoalPurchased from the General Store or found randomly in buildings.
Fire TorchPurchased from the General Store or found randomly in buildings.
Barbed WirePurchased from the General Store or found randomly in buildings.
Corpses (fuel)Any mutant or animal you kill becomes corspse that you can use as fuel.
CameraFound randomly in buildings.
AmmoYou can either purchase ammo at the Weapon shop or find it randomly in buildings.

Junk items and how to get them

There are many junk items, and you will know them by hovering your cursor over them as the game will tell you that they are junk. These items are pretty useless and also don't sell for a good price. All of these items can be found randomly in the buildings.

Valuable items and how to get them

The game has many valuable items and you can randomly find them in houses. You will know when an item is valuable by hovering your cursor on it, and the game will tell you if it's valuable. These items fetch you a high price, so they are good for grabbing cash.

For more Dead Rail guides, check Dead Rails Trello and Discord Links – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides.

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