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How to obtain the blue fireworks drawings of World of Warcraft


In the Wrath of the Lich King (WLK) version of World of Warcraft, the Blue Fireworks Drawings is an engineering formula that allows players to make blue fireworks. Here is how to get the blue firework drawings:

How to obtain the blue fireworks drawings of World of Warcraft

A: Go to Dalian Singer in Stormwind City or Cogsbine in Iron Fortress to buy it;

How to obtain the Wlk blue firework drawing in World of Warcraft

1. The blue fireworks drawings are exclusive to the alliance.

2. Can be purchased at Dalian Singer and Iron Fort Cogsbin.

3. Find Dalian Singh in the Stormwind City Mage District (42.4, 76.9) and buy it for 18 silver.

4. You can also find Cogsbin in the Ironforge Craftsman District (67.8, 42.5), and you also need 18 silver to purchase.

The above is the full content of how to obtain the blue firework drawings of "World of Warcraft". For more game strategies, please click on the Source Code Network.

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