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Should You Use Pebbles or Herring in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?


You, as Henry, get to choose between two horses to use as your trusty steed. Naturally, you lose your horse in the prologue, along with everything else. Later, you can make the choice between Pebbles and Herring, so which horse should you use in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

How To Find Pebbles in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

You’ll reunite with Pebbles when you visit the Semine estate prior to the wedding between Lord Semine and Agnes. She’s at the stables, but you need to purchase her if you want to ride her during your quest with Jan Semine before the wedding takes place, which is appropriately called, “The Jaunt.” However, she’s Henry’s trusted steed and has been his companion like Mutt, who you can also find through side quests.

How To Recieve Herring in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

After you complete “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” you can choose to take Herring as your new horse. If you haven’t picked up Pebbles or another horse before this point, then you simply get a horse, courtesy of Otto von Bergow. If you have another horse at this point and decide you don’t want Herring, then you can cut a deal with Kabat for 300 Groschen to sell him to nomad traders.

Related:Should You Side With Semine or Hashek in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? (Necessary Evil Quest Guide Best Outcome)

Should You Choose Pebbles or Herring in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

At a glance, Herring looks like the better choice, because his base stats are higher than Pebbles’. However, this is a bit misleading. Once you ride your horse for a certain distance – which is different for each horse – you unlock a perk for that horse. The perk boosts its stats, meaning the horses with better base stats don’t always have better stats later in the game.

Because of this stat boost, Pebbles ends up being the best horse you can get. She doesn’t have the highest stats even after the boost. However, you can pick her up for a lower price than a lot of other horses, and you earn her boost after riding 35 kilometers with her. For comparison, Herring’s stat boost is unlocked after riding 50 kilometers on him. You can unlock Pebbles for free, and her boosted stats are:

  • 217 stamina
  • 353 capacity
  • 53 speed
  • 12 courage

So, Pebbles ends up being the best horse because she’s reliable and has decent stats. Add in the fact that you can pick her up early and unlock the perk to boost her stats faster than with other horses, and she ends up being a great bargain. Plus, you can’t deny the sentimental value she has, having been with Henry prior to the game and journeying alongside him.

When deciding between Pebbles and Herring in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you can’t go wrong with Pebbles. Since you have a lot of traveling to do, you need a steed you can trust. In Henry’s case, Pebbles is perfect.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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