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Best Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Party Formations


As a remake of an old-school JRPG, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is still a bit intimidating, as you’ll have the choice to add three other members to your party from eight different classes. Here are the best Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake party formations.

Best Dragon Quest 3 HD2D Party

The best party for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is the following:

  • Hero
  • Warrior
  • Priest
  • Mage

It’s a very unoriginal but standard list that will see you through to the end of the game, especially as both the Priest and Mage make for great targets to become a Sage once you reach the Alltrades Abbey mid-way through the adventure.

Make sure to keep your Mage in the last party slot, as they’re much squishier than the Priest.

With this lineup, the Hero, Warrior, and Mage will all provide great damage while providing support individually. The Hero can heal and revive, the Warrior is a massive tank, and the Mage has defensive buff spells; at the same time, the Priest can keep everyone in great health.

Alternatively, this most recent remake adds the Monster Wrangler class. While not as straight-up good as the Warrior, it adds a ton of versatility to any party as its skills are based off of monsters found throughout the world. Consider this party makeup instead:

  • Hero
  • Monster Wrangler
  • Priest
  • Mage

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Much like the standard party, this lineup allows you to make two Sages later in the game while getting the most out of the new class that can take a few hits. This will, however, mean you should invest in a high resilience personality for both it and the Hero to make sure your party doesn’t get wiped.

That said, the Mage is the flex spot in this Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake party, as switching it out will simply hamper your damage output but not make the game impossible, even on the Draconian Quest difficulty – though you’ll definitely want a Priest still. 

A Thief will give you lots of utility to find treasure, avoid random encounters, and steal items from enemies. A Merchant will help you keep your entire party equipped with the best gear from shops. A Martial Artist will give you great damage output and speed that pairs well with a Warrior to take hits. A second Warrior is a great choice as they’re simply the most straightforward classes in the game that deal good damage.

Finally, you should probably avoid the Gadabout unless you want to handicap yourself. But if you really want a challenge, consider running three of them alongside your Hero.

And that’s all you need to know for the best party in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Experimenting with different lineups and multiple classes is one of the charms of this classic adventure, so try not to adhere too  strictly to what works best.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is available on November 14, 2024, on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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