Calm Zone is the fourth level in the newly released Mariana's Veil landmark. While reaching this area itself is an arduous task, locating the Innkeeper is an even more enormous task in itself. So, if you are confused about finding the Calm Zone Inn Keeper, let me help you out.
The Calm Zone Inn Keeper is located at the GPS Location of (-4251, -11200, 1798) inside the Calm Zone adjacent to a waterfall. Once you reach the Calm Zone, you can start walking toward the east or right side of the area with your GPS in hand to note your progression.
Immediately, you will find a large bridge-like area, as shown in the image above.
Go through it and keep traveling towards the right to see a large tree.
Reach the back of the tree to find a small valley and fall in front of it. Cross the valley to find the white Innkeeper in a small plateau-like area. Pay c$35 to him, and you can start residing in the Calm- Zone forever until you want to leave the area.
You can reach Calm Zone in Fisch by acquiring the Glimmerfin Suit Level 3 and getting the Deep upgrade for your Submarine. To get these, you must place the following items on the podium in Abyssal of Zenith.
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