With the release of every expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix drops a set of three 24-man Alliance Raids as well. For the Dawntrail cycle, here’s how to start the Echoes of Vana’diel Alliance Raid in FFXIV.
As mentioned above, the Echoes of Vana’diel Alliance Raid series will be released in three parts in FFXIV. The first part was released with patch 7.1, and the other two parts will be released in subsequent patches.
Before you even think about taking these on, you do need to have completed the Dawntrail MSQ and have a combat job at level 100. Got those done? Alright, let’s move on.
Jeuno: The First Walk is the first Alliance Raid for Echoes of Vana’diel. To start it, speak with the Hoobigo Messenger NPC located in Tulliyolla, at the coordinates X:13, 7:11. Accept the quest titled An Otherworldly Encounter, and this will kickstart the Echoes of Vana’diel questline.
You’ll then need to head to Mamook, where you can follow a few objective markers until you automatically unlock Jeuno: The First Walk. Do note that this Raid has an item level requirement of 695. If you’ve been keeping up with your dailies since the last patch, you should have already met and even surpassed 695.
If not, you can easily catch up by getting Tomestone gear, or even doing the Arcadion Raids to exchange for better gear at Solution Nine.
We’ll have more information on the second and third Alliance Raids as soon as they’re available in-game. For now, you’ll be able to farm Jeuno: The First Walk weekly for Coins and new gear themed after FFXI.
And that’s how to unlock the Echoes of Vana’diel Alliance Raid series in FFXIV. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game.