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How to Become a Mail Carrier in BitLife


Apart from being a safe career option, becoming a Mail Carrier is one of the most common objectives in many of the BitLife challenges, including the Mother Pucker. So, if you don't know how to become a Mail Carrier in BitLife, here is a detailed guide about the process.

How to get a High School Diploma in BitLife

Though Mail Carrier is a government job post, you only require a high school diploma to become one. By default, your parents will enroll you in a school after turning five, and all you have to do is gradually finish primary, middle, and high school without any worry about graduating at 17 with a diploma. During these school years, you can study well by using the Study Well option from the Activities tab and even visit Libraries regularly. This is not required, but there is no harm in doing it, as it will only increase your overall Smart stats, which in turn will scale your chance of getting the job while applying for the post. Also, I highly suggest you stay away from any criminal activities like pirate poaching, GTA, and robbery.

How to get a job as a Mail Carrier in BitLife

After graduating, you can start looking for the Mail Carrier job vacancy from the main menu. Click on the Jobs option from the main menu and press the same button inside the Activities tab. In the list of available job options, look for a post titled Jr. Mail Carrier (Municipal). Once found, apply to it and answer a simple question related to the job to secure it. If you cannot find any, age up or close the application to find a new set of job options.

For more on BitLife, Check out How to become a Forensic Scientist in BitLife or How to attend a Concert in BitLife

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