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Honkai Star Rail Sunday materials, kit, and Eidolons


Sunday is a 5-Star Imaginary character of The Harmony path likely coming to Honkai: Star Rail in version 2.7.

While Sunday will likely be featured as the boosted 5-Star character on his Banner in version 2.7, he will eventually return to Honkai: Star Rail at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to him.

If you want to prepare for him, we've detailed reliable leaks of Sunday's Ascension materials and Trace materials so you can level him up to his full potential right away. To understand how you might play him, we've also detailed what we know about Sunday's kit and Eidolons.

Keep in mind that this is leaked beta information, so Sunday's materials and kit might change upon his official release.

On this page:

  • Sunday's kit
  • Sunday Ascension materials
  • Sunday Trace materials
  • Sunday Eidolons

Sunday's kit

Sunday is a 5-Star Imaginary character of The Harmony path, and keeping in mind that this is leaked beta information from honeyhunterworld that could change upon his official release, and that all of the percentages mentioned below are based on Level 1 Traces, here's a summary of Sunday's kit in Honkai Star Rail:

  • Element: Imaginary.
  • Path: The Harmony.
  • Rarity: 5-Star.
  • Basic Attack: Gleaming Admonition - Deals Imaginary damage equal to 50% of Sunday's attack to a single enemy.
  • Skill: Benison of Paper and Rites - Causes one designated ally character and their summon to immediately take action, and increases their damage dealt by 20%. If the target has a summon, then damage additionally increases by 20% for two turns. After using his skill on The Beatified, Sunday recovers one Skill Point, but when Sunday uses this ability on characters following the Harmony Path, the 'immediate action' effect can't be triggered.
  • Ultimate: Ode to Caress and Cicatrix - Sunday regenerates Energy by 20% of Max Energy for one designated ally character and turns the target and their summon into 'The Beatified'. The Beatified have their Crit Damage increased by an amount equal to 12% of Sunday's Crit Damage plus 8%. At the start of Sunday's turn, the duration of The Beatified is reduced by one, lasting for a total of three turns, and it only takes effect on the most recent target of the Ultimate (excluding Sunday). When Sunday becomes downed, The Beatified will also be dispelled.
  • Talent (passive ability): The Sorrowing Body - When Sunday uses his Skill, the target's Crit Rate is increased by 10%. This effect lasts for three turns.
  • Technique (overworld ability): The Glorious Mysteries - The first time Sunday uses an ability on an ally target in the next battle, the target's damage dealt increases by 50% for two turns.
  • Bonus Trace 1: Rest Day's Longing - If Sunday's Ultimate regenerates less than 40 Energy for the target, increases the Energy regenerated to 40.
  • Bonus Trace 2: Exalted Sweep - When battle starts, Sunday regenerates 25 Energy.
  • Bonus Trace 3: Haven in Palm - When using his Skill, Sunday dispels one debuff from the target.

Sunday Ascension materials

You need to use Sunday Ascension materials to upgrade stats like his health, attack, defence, and Critical hit effectiveness.

With the latest beta information sourced from honeyhunterworld, it looks like you need to get a lot of Chordal Mirage and Tatters-based materials for Sunday to fully upgrade his capabilities.

In total, the Sunday Ascension Materials in Honkai: Star Rail are:

  • x15 Tatters of Thought
  • x15 Fragments of Impression
  • x15 Shards of Desires
  • x65 Chordal Mirage
  • 308,000 Credits

For more details, here's what Sunday Ascension materials you need per level:

Sunday Ascension levelSunday Ascension materialsCredit costReward
Level 20x5 Tatters of Thought4,000x1 regular Star Rail Pass
Level 30x10 Tatters of Thought8,000None
Level 40x6 Fragments of Impression, x3 Chordal Mirage16,000x1 regular Star Rail Pass
Level 50x9 Fragments of Impression, x7 Chordal Mirage40,000None
Level 60x6 Shards of Desires, x20 Chordal Mirage80,000x1 regular Star Pass
Level 70x9 Shards of Desires, x35 Chordal Mirage160,000None

Remember, this is leaked beta information that could change upon Sunday's official release.

Sunday Trace materials

Just like Ascension, to get the most out of using Sunday you will have to level-up his attacks and passive abilities by using Trace materials, which vary from character-to-character.

With thanks to honeyhunterworld again for sourcing the information, for Sunday it looks like you'll need to use a lot of Firmament Note and Tatters-based materials to fully upgrade his capabilities.

In total, to upgrade all of his abilities, the Sunday Trace Materials you need are:

  • x8 Tracks of Destiny
  • x12 Lost Echo of the Shared Wish
  • x18 Firmament Note
  • x41 Tatters of Thought
  • x56 Fragments of Impression
  • x58 Shards of Desires
  • x69 Celestial Section
  • x139 Heavenly Melody
  • 3 million Credits

Once again, this is leaked beta information, so Sunday's materials could change upon his official release.

Version 2.6 with Rappa and Imbibitor Lunae is here! So make sure to redeem those new codes for Stellar Jade if you want them or future characters - and check out our regularly updated tier list. For everything else, we have pages on the next Banner, Ministry of Education quiz answers, and how to get more Star Rail Passes.

Sunday Eidolons

By getting duplicates of Sunday from Warping on his Banner, you will receive his Eidolon. This material allows you to unlock Eidolon levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing attack or passive ability.

With beta information sourced from honeyhunterworld, here are all of Sunday's Eidolons in Honkai: Star Rail:

  • Millennium's Quietus (E1): When Sunday uses his Skill, allows the target character to ignore 20% of the enemy target's defence and summons to ignore 40% of enemy target's defence when dealing damage, lasting for two turns.
  • Faith Outstrips Frailty (E2): Sunday recovers two Skill Points after his Ultimate is first used, and the damage dealt by 'The Beatified' increases by 30%.
  • Hermitage of Thorns (E3): Increases the level of Sunday's Ultimate by two with a maximum upgrade level of 15, and increases the level of his Basic Attack by one, with a maximum upgrade level of 10.
  • Sculpture's Preamble (E4): At the start of his turn, Sunday regenerates eight Energy.
  • Paper Raft in Silver Bay (E5): Increases the level of Sunday's Skill and Talent by two, with a maximum upgrade Level of 15.
  • Dawn of Sidereal Cacophony (E6): The Talent's Crit Rate boost effect becomes stackable up to three times, and the Talent's duration increases by one turn. When Sunday uses his Ultimate, he also applies his Talent's Crit Rate boost effect to the target. When the Talent's Crit Rate boost takes effect and the target's Crit Rate exceeds 100%, every 1% of excess Crit Rate is converted to 2% Crit Damage.

Good luck levelling up Sunday in Honkai Star Rail!

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