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How to get Heavy Leather in Rune Slayer


Crafting gear plays an important role in Rune Slayer. Leather, specifically heavy leather, is one of the items needed to craft armor. Heavy leather is essential for crafting heavy armor, which is one of the good, medium to late game armor. But getting it can be quite tough, so here's a complete guide on how to get Heavy Leather in Rune Slayer.

How to get Heavy Leather in Rune Slayer

ItemHow To Get
Heavy Leather
Dropped by Razor Fang (Boss), Serpent and Barracuda

Heavy Leather can be dropped by quite a few mobs and even bosses. The Razor Fang, boar-like boss, can be found in the Wilderness, and is almost guaranteed to drop the Heavy Leather item every time you slay it.

Apart from that, the Serpent also has a high chance of dropping this item. You can also get it from the Barracuda, but at a lower drop chance. Both of these mobs spawn in the Greatwood Swamps, and it is recommended that you're at least level 20 before trying to kill them alone.

All types of Leather and How to get them in Rune Slayer

ItemHow To Get
Thick Leather
Dropped by killing Beastmen.
Medium Leather
Dropped by killing Boars, Wolves, and Bears.
Light Leather
Dropped by killing Deer and Barracuda

Apart from the Heavy Leather, three more kinds of leather items can be found in Rune Slayer. These are namely the Thick, Medium, and Light Leather. The Thick Leather being the hardest to obtain, from Beastmen, which generally needs you to be level 30+, and the Light Leather being the easiest, drops from killing Deer mobs.

For more on Rune Slayer Roblox, check out How to get Ragnarok in Rune Slayer or Best race and class combo in Rune Slayer on Pro Game Guides!

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