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Dragon Age The Veilguard best Slayer build


Dragon Age: The Veilguard offers a range of specialisations for each class. The Slayer is a Warrior specialisation that emphasises dealing massive damage at close range.

It also makes good use of the Stagger mechanics and Rage generation in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

To learn how to become an effective Slayer, check out this guide to the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Slayer build, which will give some tips on how to play the Slayer as well as including the best skills, equipment, and enchantments to pick.

On this page:

  • How to play Slayer
  • Best Slayer skills
  • Slayer Weapons
  • Slayer armour
  • Slayer accessories
  • Slayer enchantments

How to play Slayer in Dragon Age The Veilguard

The Slayer wants to get in close and unleash hell on their enemies. Typically you won't have as much defense as most warriors, and you'll be using heavy two-handed weapons, so you'll be a little slower to attack.

But you'll make up for this by your sheer damage output, especially if you can make use of gaining Rage and Stagger. Rage can be spent on your skills, like the area of effect attack Whirlwind, and improving your Stagger generation will help you to quickly take down enemies.

Don't forget to also make use of combos with your party. Warriors can trigger Weakened primers from their very first skill, the Driving Kick, so it's very helpful to have someone along who can set that up, such as Bellara.

Best Slayer skills in Dragon Age The Veilguard

Veilguard is pretty flexible, so you should be able to make use of whatever skills call to your personal playstyle. However, you will immediately get the abilities For Gold and Glory and Heroic Leap when you enter this part of the skill tree.

For Gold and Glory is an ultimate ability, so it doesn't require rage. It deals ordinary Physical damage, but inflicts a high amount of Stagger on your enemies. On the other hand, Heroic Leap is a Rage ability and deals Strike and Smash damage. It also detonates Weakened, so if you're used to comboing by the time you get to unlock this, it can be incredibly powerful.

Going down the route towards Charged Smash will improve both Heroic Leap and Whirlwind, so it's a good upgrade to get as soon as you can.

After this, you'll be locked out of proceeding further until Level 30. Take that time to see whether you feel you need more defense and survival capabilities or you just want to deal more damage. For the former you can head to the right of the tree and get Violent Catharsis to heal every time you use Rage, which should improve your survivability. For the latter, head left and get Charged attacks.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Slayer Weapons

The Slayer is the Warrior archetype best suited to double handed weapons. Unless you're considering elemental options in your build, it's also best to focus on getting high Physical damage as well as Stagger generation.

A great weapon for this is the Anvil Breaker which can be found in a chest in the lower parts of Dock Town. It deals additional Stagger with each hit and can be upgraded for even greater perks in this area.

If you'd rather focus purely on Physical damage, the Winged Glaive is a strong alternative option.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Slayer armour

Armour is quite flexible in Veilguard, but it can give you useful perks such as increased Rage generation.

The Brawler's Decorated Leathers are great for this and they are also a medium armour, meaning you can combo wearing this with the Medium Armour Mastery skill, which gives you many 20% bonuses as long as you don't put on anything too heavy or too light.

Most helms are also medium, which will help here. For additional Stagger damage, as well as more damage on detonating primed effects, the Helm of Light and Shadow is a good pick. You can also equip the Ensign's Helm for increased Heavy damage and damage to armour if you're fighting large groups of tough enemies.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Slayer accessories

Again, accessories can be a matter of preference especially if you are comboing your Slayer build with any kind of elemental damage. However, the Miner's Talisman gives a bonus to Area based abilities such as Whirlwind.

The Paragon's Ring will also give you a small boost to defense, which can be helpful when building a reckless attacker like the Slayer.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Slayer enchantments

You can also add to your defense using enchantments on your Armour. This may be a good idea if you're having difficulty balancing your survivability as a Slayer.

If not, feel free to pile on more damage! An extra 10% Ultimate Generation stacks well with For Gold and Glory, allowing you to crash down on your enemies more often.

With your weapons, focus on boosting the tags of the skills that you're using, such as Strike damage, if they're available. Otherwise you can simply add more Physical damage, although you'll need to collect plenty of artefacts to rank up the Workshop first.

Hopefully these tips will have you slaying everything standing in your way!

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