One of the joys of an open-ended MMORPG like Brighter Shores is just how easy it is to stumble upon exciting new quests. A trip down Brannof Boulevard in Brighter Shores, for instance, leads players to many new leads, including the Brannof Inheritance quest.
The first time you stop by Brannof Hall, you’ll pick up a few new quests, including the Brannof Inheritance.
To truly begin this quest, players need to locate the Scrapyard and talk to Hayley Brannof. This can be tricky as the map is quite small, but you’ll find it just off Sea Road, near the Overgrown Pond.
Talk to Hayley here, and she’ll give you the info you need to begin tracking down all the clues to earn a slice of the Brannof Inheritance in Brighter Shores.
To get all of the clues, you’ll need to find several members of the Brannof family. Each of them holds a piece of the puzzle.
You should already have Hayley’s clue, the Swirl Clue, from talking to her in the Scrapyard. Here’s where to find each of the other family members… and how to make them talk.
This member of the Brannof Inheritance quest can be found in Pipe Alley, just off Old Street West. He’ll be by himself, easy to spot fixing the pipes. Speak to him about the inheritance, and he’ll ask you to earn his trust by finding a potion to help cure hair loss.
Head to the Apothekary on Stone Street and speak to the owner about a hair loss potion. In the grand tradition of fetch quests, you’ll need to find the ingredients yourself – hair beast hair and a scrap rat.
To get the scrap rat, head to the Scrapyard with the cheese you received. Place the cheese under the bathtub that’s propped up by a broom, then remove the broom to trap the rat.
Next, head over to Rubble Road, which is just one tile past the Overgrown Pond. Here, battle a Hair Beast (Level 10) to get your second ingredient.
Return to the Apothecary for your hair loss cure. You may hit a snag here, as you’ll need to brew it yourself, which requires being Level 50 Apothecary Skill. Brew up some potions to level up if needed, then brew the Hair Loss Potion.
This is the hardest lead to follow since Hayley isn’t even sure anyone from the family lives in town. Thankfully, all that time in the Apothecary brewing the hair loss potion puts you right across the street from The Delectable Dab restaurant. Head inside, and you’ll find Oswald Hadley seated at one of the tables near the wall.
Ask him if he’s a Brannof, and he’ll request a favor in return for his clue. He wants to try Bigeye Gurnard Soup to get acquainted with Hopeport cuisine.
Get ready to grind again, as you’ll need Level 61 Cooking Skill to prepare the soup and earn this clue.
Finding Lord Brannof is relatively easy – he’s in his office in Brannof Hall, just to the right of the entrance. Talk to him after speaking with Hayley, and you’ll be able to ask about the inheritance.
Before he’ll trust you with his clue, however, you need to return to the Training Ground and speak with Sultar Mazak about a tracking spell Brannof wants him to cast on you.
Return to the Training Ground easily with your Teleport spell, then speak with Mazak. After a quick chat, he’ll offer to meet you back at Brannof Hall, where he will cast the spell.
Speak with Lord Brannof again to obtain his Falcon Clue.
Once you have the clues, you’ll need to solve them in order to find the inheritance. In this case, solving is more like finding, which is easy for those of us who hate logic puzzles.
Each clue is a specific symbol, which you’ll need to locate in Hopeport. You may have even spotted some of them before, but you won’t be able to do anything with them until you have the Brannof Inheritance clues.
Your character will need a quill and ink to track the clues as you find them. You can grab this from Lord Brannof’s desk in Brannof Hall. Then, locate all four clues to triangulate the location of the inheritance.
To get you started with the two clues you’ll find before the level grind, the Swirl symbol from Hayley’s clue is on a wall just outside the alley to the Scrapyard, while the Falcon symbol is on a broken wall in the Wasteland. As you find each symbol, investigate it to note its location. Then, use the Quill from your toolbelt to mark its location on the map.
Once you have all four clues and locate the corresponding symbols around Hopeport, you can use the map to determine the location of the inheritance.
Brighter Shoresis available to play for free on PC.