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Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1 release date and time


In just under a week, Season 1 of Black Ops 6 and Warzone will begin as the next year of Call of Duty seasons kicks off.

This first season brings with it a whole array of new Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Warzone content, alongside some extra Zombies features and even a new map releasing in Season 1 Reloaded.

To get you ready for launch, we'll be running through the Season 1 release date and time, as well as all of what's new in Season 1 and the Season 1 roadmap discussing the integration of Black Ops 6 into Warzone, and new Multiplayer and Zombies content.

On this page:

  • Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1 release date and time
  • Season 1 roadmap
  • What’s new in Season 1 for Warzone
  • What’s new in Season 1 for Multiplayer
  • What’s new in Season 1 for Zombies
  • Everything else we know about Season 1
  • Season 1 Reloaded release date and time and what we know so far

Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1 release date and time

Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1 launches on Thursday 14th November 2024 at 5pm (GMT) / 9am (PT).

Here are the dates and times for Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1’s release in other time zones:

  • West Coast US: Thursday 14th November, 9am (PT)
  • Central US: Thursday 14th November, 11am (CT)
  • East Coast US: Thursday 14th November, 1pm (ET)
  • UK: Thursday 14th November, 6pm (GMT)
  • Europe: Thursday 14th November, 6pm (CET)
  • Australia: Friday 15th November, 4am (AET)
  • Japan: Friday 15th November, 2am (JST)

Jumping in on launch day? Check out our tier list covering the best weapons that'll help you get started when Season 1 launches next week.

Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1 roadmap

Season 1's release looks to be a huge launch covering a wide array of modes, content, and more, and thanks a handy post on the Call of Duty blog, we have a roadmap highlighting many of the key beats.

Here's that roadmap covering both Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1:

Before delving into the specifics and full details of each mode, we've put together a high-level look at many of the key aspects you might be interested in for Season 1. For further details, be sure to check out their respective sections of this page.

Here's a high-level of what's coming to Season 1 across Warzone, Multiplayer, and Zombies:


  • Area 99, a new map for Warzone
  • Integration with Black Ops 6 adding features, weapons, and more
  • Ranked Play and limited-time modes coming in-season
  • Full suite of new challenges, progression, and more


  • Five new Multiplayer maps and one new variant
  • Two new modes at launch, more to come in-season
  • Seven new weapons
  • New loadout equipment including Perks and a Scorestreak
  • Ranked Play launches


  • A new Zombies map in S1: Reloaded
  • Directed Mode for Liberty Falls and Terminus
  • New Perk-A-Cola, Augments, and more

To learn more about all of these updates, keep reading for a full breakdown on all the key info you should know.

What’s new for Warzone in Season 1

There are two big headlining features of Warzone with the launch of Season 1.

First and foremost, Warzone is getting a big integration with Black Ops 6 features including the overhauled movement system, Omnimovement. It’s also going to receive Black Ops 6’s entire suite of weapons alongside a whole list of challenges and unlockables - including new weapon camos.

This is on top of the other headline news that Warzone will see the addition of new map, Area 99, inspired by the fan-favourite Nuketown.

Here’s the full description of Area 99 from the Call of Duty Blog:

'Set against the unrelenting heat of the Nevada desert, Area 99 - or more specifically, the Echo Ridge Weapons Station - was a top-secret government site constructed in the 1950s, concealed from the public just miles away from the original Nuketown testing site. Designed to push the bounds of radiation testing and cement American dominance, the entire region was subsequently abandoned after an unfortunate reactor leak, and the project erased by the government.'

Beyond these two additions, there’s also a whole slew of new features and content coming to Warzone in Season 1 - check out the full list below:

  • New map Area 99 features multiple new Points of Interest - Based on Nuketown, you’ll be able to visit various key locales within the map, including a Reactor, Bunker, Test Site, Mannequin Assembly, the Echo Ridge Weapons Station, and many more.
  • The return of two fan-favourite maps - With the launch of Season 1, Warzone sees the return of Urzikstan, with Rebirth Island coming a little later.
  • Returning modes including Battle Royale - Starting at the season’s launch, you’ll be able to play Battle Royale on Urzikstan, or Resurgence on Area 99 and Rebirth Island. Beyond that, Plunder will be returning, playable on Urzikstan.
  • Ranked Play coming later in Season 1 - What looks to be a key highlight of Season 1 Reloaded, you’ll soon be able to go up against the best of the best and earn new rewards as part of Warzone’s Ranked Play.
  • Full Black Ops 6 integration with weapons and more - Alongside the whole suit of weapons from Black Ops 6 coming across - bringing Warzone’s total number to 177 - core loadout features from Black Ops 6 will be added into Warzone, including the dedicated melee, global weapon builds, a streamlined Gunsmith, and more.
  • Updated 'Pick-3' Perk system and two new Perks - Whilst there is no Combat Specialty system like in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, how Perks work has been updated and streamlined in an attempt to make them feel more valuable. Most of the Perks will be unlocked with your player level, but there are a couple of new additions unlocked as rewards in both Season 1 and Season 1: Reloaded respectively.
  • Player level carried between Black Ops 6 and Warzone - Whatever your level right now in Black Ops 6, it will carry across to Warzone, granting you access to all associated unlocks and more. The game will also take advantage of the Classic Prestige system added in Black Ops 6.
  • Over 150 Operators from MW2, MW3, and BO6 - Since Warzone is combining all of the sandbox and gameplay elements from across three years of Call of Duty titles, you’ll have access to all previously acquired Operators and their respective skins in this one mode.
  • Various new quality-of-life changes and new features - Streamlined inventory system, user interface overhaul, new cinematics, and more. There’s a lot of overhauls and integration with the main Black Ops 6 game coming in Season 1 that should make the game feel better as a result.

If you’ve been playing Black Ops 6 already, jumping into Warzone will feel like another facet of the overall game, with its own comprehensive set of unlocks and features.

If you’re curious as to what weapons are worth looking into for Warzone’s Season 1 launch, be sure to refer to our best guns page for Black Ops 6 - and if you’re wanting to know what stood out in the past couple of titles, be sure to check out our pages covering some of the best from MW2 and MW3.

What’s new for Black Ops 6 Multiplayer in Season 1

Despite the fact it launched just a couple of weeks ago, Treyarch is ready to send Multiplayer into its first season, and adding a slew of new content and features in the process.

Not only is the game going to be receiving multiple new maps at Season 1’s launch, it’s also going to see the return of a Black Ops 4 map, and a Christmas-themed makeover for the ever-popular Nuketown.

There’s this and a whole lot more which we delve into below:

Five new maps and one new variant

At launch, the game will see three new maps: Hideout, Heirloom, and Extraction. These are a mix of 6v6 and 2v2 maps that can be played across a variety of modes. Below is a look at each of them.

On top of this, coming later in the season, Hacienda will make its return from Black Ops 4, alongside Racket, a new Strike map playable in both 2v2 and 6v6. Finally, a Christmas-themed 'Holiday Nuketown' will be making its arrival, with updates teased to be coming to the original Nuketown, and Warhead Strike map too.

New and returning modes

Ransack is a new mode launching with Season 1 with attack-and-defend-style gameplay whereby you have to collect gold bars and return them to your stash, whilst protecting it from enemies trying to steal from you. After this, Prop Hunt will be making its glorious return, with additional limited-time modes to be revealed before the Season 1: Reloaded launch in December.

Additional loadout options and equipment

Throughout Season 1, new Perks, Scorestreaks, and a Wildcard will be added, all of which will provide additional ways in which you can build out your Multiplayer loadouts.

The launch of BO6 Ranked Play

Treyarch detail this as the 'definitive' version of Ranked Play that has been being built towards over the last few years, with this new version including new features and updates, alongside a set of new rewards to earn.

To prepare yourself for the upcoming launch of Black Ops 6’s first season, be sure to check out our page covering some of the best loadouts you can equip yourself with ahead of the big day.

What’s new for Black Ops 6 Zombies in Season 1

The full reveal of what’s to come for Black Ops 6 Zombies is being held off for a few weeks, with the main drop for this season being a whole new map released in Season 1: Reloaded.

Whilst there's not much overall coming at the launch of the season, is plenty to look forward to for Zombies, with the mode seeing new unlocks as well as a bit of a refresh thanks to new weapons being added with the new season, all before the launch of its new map.

Here’s the full list of announced features and content coming in Season 1 for Black Ops 6 Zombies:

New map coming in Season 1 Reloaded

Citadelle des Morts is the next Zombies map, slated to release alongside the Season 1 Reloaded update. Details are light right now, but Treyarch discusses the location being set in an abandoned castle in Europe, teasing 'ghoulish horrors' and a 'medieval village'.

Directed Mode for Terminus and Liberty Falls

Designed to guide you through each map’s respective main story quests, Directed Mode will help those looking to experience the story in a more straightforward fashion.

New gameplay like a new Perk-A-Cola, Wonder Weapons, Gear, and more.

Coming throughout Season 1, Treyarch detail a whole array of new items making their way to Zombies through this first season. A new Perk, Field Upgrade, Ammo Mod, and more are on their way, each with their own set of upgrades via Augments. Additionally, the Hand Cannon Scorestreak from Multiplayer will be usable in Zombies. Treyarch also teased that there will be more than one Wonder Weapon in Season 1, along with a new enemy type.

Before the launch of the new season, be sure to check out our guide on the main story easter egg quest for Liberty Falls. Should you complete it ahead of the first season, you’ll net yourself a limited-time Calling Card in the process.

Everything else we know about Warzone and Black Ops 6 Season 1

Alongside the content updates for specific modes, there are also going to be a large set of updates and additions coming to the game as a whole. Many of these have become commonplace for Call of Duty seasons, however, many of them also have a few new details worth calling out and affect all three modes.

Check out a list below highlighting all the main features of Season 1:

Seven new weapons to unlock

Releasing throughout the season, there are multiple new weapons to unlock including the Krig C assault rifle, Saug SMG, Maelstrom shotgun, AMR Mod 4 sniper rifle, Sirin 9mm secondary, and Power Drill and Cleaver melee weapons.

New 'Special Weapon Attachments'

What look to be similar to MW3’s Aftermarket Parts, these attachments include the 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath fire mod for shotguns, Buffer Weight Stock for various weapons, and the Burst Fire Conversion fire mods for the XM4 assault rifle and Kompakt 92 SMG.

The Armory returns

Similar to how it functioned in MW3, the Armory is returning in Black Ops 6, allowing you to unlock any weapons and equipment you missed from previous events and Battle Passes.

An overhauled Battle Pass with new 'Page' approach

This new Battle Pass approach lets you spend earned Battle Tokens on whichever rewards you’d like to acquire. That said, at least five rewards have to be purchased from the available seven per page to spend tokens on the following page. If you own Blackcell for the active Battle Pass though you get an added bonus - as the COD Blog states: 'being able to unlock any Battle Pass Page and start unlocking Tier Rewards on that Page'.

'Hit List' event

Described as an event that 'gives players a board of contracts', you’ll be able to earn various rewards for 'crossing off the entire list' of targets. This will be released during the season.

New Store bundles and Operators, including the Replacer

As is common, each season will bring with it a slew of new paid Store bundles that you can unlock. Some of these include new operators such as the Replacer. Now the question becomes: who replaces the Replacer, when he too is busy fighting in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6?

New 'Master Prestige' menu

This new menu allows you to check up on what different rewards are earnable after reaching the maximum Prestige level, and will be in addition to the existing pages that cover rewards earned from Prestige ranks 1 through 10.

Season 1 Reloaded release date and time and what we know so far

There’s a lot coming at the launch of Season 1, with more throughout including the mid-season content drop that’ll arrive with Season 1: Reloaded.

Whilst there isn’t a ton of information just yet, we do know that it will be launching in early December - likely at the same time as the main season launch - with a couple of headlining details.

Here’s a few of the key details for Season 1: Reloaded:

  • A new Zombies map, 'Citadelle des Morts' alongside new Wonder Weapons and more
  • Returning Multiplayer map 'Hacienda', and 'Holiday Nuketown' variant
  • New limited-time modes and events coming to Multiplayer and Zombies
  • Ranked Play in Warzone
  • Additional rewards to unlock as the season progresses, including new weapons

As a final note on the Reloaded update, Treyarch shared that they will detail what’s to come in Season 1 Reloaded prior to its launch, so we’d expect there to be a blog post discussing all of this in late November or very early December.

Enjoy what Season 1 has to offer when it launches next week!

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