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The Green & Red Flags of Paranormasight’s Most Eligible Bachelors | Pixel Hearts


Note: This article contains major spoilers for Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo.

Released in 2023, Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo was lauded for its compelling mystery and story surrounding Japanese folklore in Sumida City. It also sported a very distinct, old-school anime kind of look that helped it stand out.

More importantly, though, Paranormasight boasted striking character designs with subtle animations to help clue you into what the characters were thinking. It certainly helped that we were treated to such a wide range of character types, including the tortured father who chose police work over his family, the weird yet charming private investigator who wears a fedora, and the stoic businessman with well-kempt hair who wouldn’t hesitate stabbing you in the back if it came down to it.

What I’m trying to say is, Paranormasight is a real good-looking game with plenty of eligible bachelors. Don’t get me wrong, though; they all come with baggage, and some might be harder to deal with than others. So if you enjoyed the game and have been fantasizing about entering a relationship with one of these virtual men, let’s go over each of their pros and cons.

Makoto Ashimiya/Fumichika Nejima

Starting off with the very bottom of the barrel, we have Fumichika Nejima, who later changed his name to Makoto Ashimiya.

If we’re just talking about looks, Nejima got a major glow-up. I mean, we’re talking extreme weight loss, whole new haircut, and –not gonna lie– what possibly looks like a minor facelift. This guy looks way more confident now, and confidence is attractive.

There are, of course, downsides. Let’s not forget that Nejima was a serial killer who murdered school girls, went to jail, got released on parole, then continued killing innocent people. The silver lining? He did all this to try to complete a ritual to bring his dead lover back to life. Kinda romantic.

Green Flags:

  • Super committed guy, will never cheat on you.

Red Flags:

  • Serial killer, obsessive, is a psychopath.

Jun Erio

Jun Erio is exactly the type of guy I’d swipe right on if I saw him on a dating app. On paper, this guy is pretty much perfect. Young guy just getting started with his career in the police, has a strong sense of right and wrong, and he even comes with a decent sense of humor. He’s also a conventionally attractive man who looks good in suspenders. What’s not to love?

Green Flags:

  • Cool job.
  • Can protect you from the bad guys.
  • Always willing to do menial tasks.
  • Funny guy.

Red Flags:

  • Kinda rude towards older people.

Richter Kai

Richter Kai is a bit of an acquired taste, but once you get to know him, he really starts to stand out as one of the most dateable guys in Paranormasight. Trust me, just look past the fedora and the smarmy charm. Underneath all of that is a kind, sensitive soul who just wants to help people and do right by them.

Working as a private investigator, he’s committed to helping his clients find what they want, but never at the cost of his own principles. If a client asks him to do something that he deems to be crossing the line, he’s out. And that’s respectable.

Green Flags:

  • All-around nice guy who likes helping people.
  • You just know he’ll be able to protect you in a physical altercation.

Red Flags:

  • Weird fashion sense and choice of hairstyle.

Shogo Okiie

We might’ve lost Shogo Okiie pretty early on in Paranormasight, but that doesn’t mean his death hurt any less. In fact, considering that Shogo came into the game with huge Main Character Syndrome, coupled with the fact that he’s easily the best-looking boy in the game, his death might’ve been the biggest tragedy of them all.

Sure, he’s a bit of a slacker and has kind of a lackadaisical attitude towards his work and life. But look, Shogo is one seriously handsome guy. Look at that messy “I woke up like this” hair, that casual roll-up of the sleeves on his denim jacket, and his hands perpetually glued to the inside of his pockets. He has the whole cool guy look going on, though he does seem to have the tendency to immediately hit on any girl he sees, and is always thinking about whether any of them will give him the time of day. But hey, if you’re good-looking, that doesn’t matter at all.

Green Flags:

  • He’s hot. That’s it.

Red Flags:

  • Unmotivated, no drive.
  • Talks to girls with the intention of hitting on them.

Takumi Yumioka

Takumi Yumioka, on the other hand, is on the other extreme end of the spectrum from Shogo. This man lives for his job, so much so that he’s even willing to straight up kill people for his boss. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what it is. I mean, really, when it comes down to it, who wouldn’t want to date a man as single-minded and dedicated as Takumi?

Honestly, the only thing giving me pause (aside from the fact that he killed my boy Shogo) is that Takumi’s just so boring. He’s straight up just a work robot who thinks of nothing else. He probably even works on the weekends. And enjoys it. Weird.

Green Flags:

  • Will do anything you ask.
  • Extremely dedicated and committed.

Red Flags:

  • Also a murderer.
  • Probably has no mind of his own.

Tetsuo Tsutsumi

Tetsuo Tsutsumi is also very much an acquired taste. At first glance, he seems completely dedicated to his job with no space for anything else. And you know, that’s kinda true. He’s extremely focused on work, which can make his partner feel neglected.

But when it comes down to it, he’ll do literally anything for his family. He also has a bit of a sweet tooth and a soft side to him. He’s basically just a giant teddy bear. Give Tetsuo some therapy, teach him how to strike a balance between work and family, and he’ll be the best man you can date or marry.

Green Flags:

  • Will literally die for his family.
  • Highly motivated and good at his job.

Red Flags:

  • Doesn’t have a work-life balance.

Yuutarou Namigaki

You just know Yuutarou was the popular sensitive boy at school that all the girls wanted to be close to. He’s the emotionally intelligent boy who knows how to talk to you, listen to you, and make you feel special. The cute sweater and glasses look definitely adds to his charm, making him one of the most attractive male characters you’ll find in Paranormasight.

The problem? He’s also a little bit of a spineless wimp. Once he finds a girl he wants to impress, he’ll bend over backwards for her, and let’s be real, that’s kinda unattractive.

Green Flags:

  • Super handsome.
  • Emotionally intelligent, sensitive.

Red Flags:

  • Spineless. Ew.

Pixel Hearts is a column that explores love and dating in video games.

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