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Best Minecraft 1.21 seeds


Minecraft 1.21 brings players into the world of Trial Chambers, complete with new rewards, new mobs, and a few other fun mechanics. I'll show you some of the greatest Minecraft 1.21 seeds to help you explore everything the Tricky Trials Update has to offer.

Best Minecraft Java 1.21 seeds

These six 1.21 Java seeds contain everything you need to enjoy the new version of the game. They're perfect if you're looking for easy Trial Chambers, unique structures, and fun geography.

Villages on Mountainous Terrain

Seed: -7474248798272779131

The area surrounding these Stony Peaks mountains is home to two separate Plains Villages. On the right, the first village is decently sized and has a personal lava pond. The village on the left is much larger, giving you access to more villager trades and miscellaneous resources. Climb the mountain left of this village to find a herd of Mountain Goats.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Stony Peaks Mountain: Spawn
Plains Village 1: 54, -183
Plains Village 2: 67, 196
Stony Goat Mountain: 208, 262

Savanna Trials

Seed: 2232141678769931411

Start this seed by exploring the four villages scattered around the Savanna. Use the resources gathered from those to find and study the four Trial Chambers in the same Savanna. You can use our coordinates below or try to find them naturally by trading with Cartographer villagers. Make sure you're adequately prepared with a strong weapon and a shield since the chambers may contain long-range and poisonous enemies.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Savanna Village 1: -160, 16
Savanna Village 2: -276, -261
Savanna Village 3: 159, -226
Savanna Village 4: 389, 133
Trial Chambers 1: 135, -13, 150
Trial Chambers 2: -375, -31, 55
Trial Chambers 3: -473, -28, -311
Trial Chambers 4: 71, -36, -535

Coral Village

Seed: -8129040904328054617

Brightly-colored coral and a Desert Village make up the heart of this seed. The chests in the villagers' watchtowers are filled with wheat and plenty of bread. If you're looking for an easy Desert start, this one is a great option.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Coral Reef: 130, -9
Desert Village: 205, 36
Shipwreck: 259, 8

Large Lush Mines

Seed: 3496720901349787001

Mineshafts offer an easy way for you to fill your pockets with goodies that you may not be able to mine or find otherwise. For example, their chests may contain items like nametags, enchanted books, and even diamonds. Starting a new world near one allows you to quickly gear up without having to expend many resources of your own. This world does one better by having two mineshafts and an amethyst geode near the top of the first cave you see.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Cave Entrance: 4, -439
Mineshaft 1: 36, 13, -411
Mineshaft 2: -12, 32, -423
Amethyst Geode: -16, 30, -399

Double Snowy Village

Seed: 4025042613916781899

When you spawn in this icy world, you'll be given immediate access to two Snowy Villages! Their paths nearly connect in the center, making them essentially a single mega village. The houses contain plenty of beds, food, furnaces, and other important utility blocks to discover. Additionally, the right village has a Blacksmith's home with gold, iron, and two diamonds in the chest.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Snowy Village 1: -15, 175
Snowy Village 2: -147, 215

Dark Oak Mansion in a Tiny Forest

Seed: 6004891534215851105

Tiny dark oak trees dot the landscape around this Woodland Mansion. Not only are they adorable, but they make the Mansion seem even larger and more majestic in comparison. To truly admire this forest, you'll need to clear the mobs out of the Mansion and build light sources between the trees.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Dark Oak Mansion: 151, 559

Best Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 seeds

If you play Minecraft Bedrock on Windows, console, or mobile these six 1.21 seeds are made for you.

Wrecked Beach Village

Seed: -6665273518537673874

A beachside Plains Village with a neighboring shipwreck always makes for a good story. It also makes for a great survival start since the villages, the chest in the shipwreck, and the treasure map it contains will give you tons of resources at the beginning of the world. This seed gives you a little more to do by having a deep Dripstone Cave next to the village. Use water to gently land at the bottom of the cave, then mine through it to find all kinds of resources and ores, including diamonds!

Key Locations and Coordinates
Shipwreck: 382, -188
Plains Village: 351, -261
Entrance to Deepslate Cavern: 304, -282

Windy Isle

Seed: 2939101674782404989

There's nothing more exciting than a good Minecraft island survival world. This island is made almost entirely of Windswept Savanna biomes, giving it a unique shape. You can climb to the top or plant your roots on the ground at the base of the Windswept biome hills. Regardless, you'll be able to create a lush survival island base you can be proud of.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Windy Isle: Spawn
Buried Treasure: 72, 59, 72
Buried Treasure 2: 200, 59, 136
Buried Treasure 3: 136, 61, 216

Easy Ominous Trial

Seed: -370892285778566384

This Pillager Outpost is located directly above a Trial Chamber. By farming the Pillagers for Ominous Potions, you can use the Trial Chamber to undergo Ominous Trials. While you can only get rewards from Ominous Vaults once, you can do the Trials over and over after waiting for a designated time. It's perfect for farming experience and mob drops.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Pillager Outpost: 202, 59
Trial Chambers: 151, -19, 55

Plains Coast and Savanna Island

Seed: -8828013370605561863

If you're planning on starting a new survival world, this seed gives you a nice boost. Between the Plains and Savanna Villages, you'll be able to gather almost all of the available crops. The Plains Village has a Blacksmith with iron gear and obsidian to take while the ruined nether portal and shipwreck together have plenty of precious resources to line your pockets with. If you don't mind taking the time to gather and smelt copper, I recommend checking out the nearby Warm Ocean Ruins to get a Sniffer Egg.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Plains Village with Blacksmith: 44, 136
Ruined Portal: 43, 372
Shipwreck: 31, 460
Large Warm Ocean Ruin Cluster: 172, 455
Savanna Village: -277, 330

Quick Nether Trip

Seed: -5862229164808152271

One of the slowest parts of starting a new Minecraft world is getting to the Nether. You need to find diamonds for a pickaxe, gather obsidian, build the portal, and light it up, which can take a lot of resources if you're not lucky. Fortunately, this seed gives you a nearly-complete Nether portal right next to Spawn with a chest containing the exact four obsidian it needs and a flint-and-steel. If you want to take a break from the fiery landscape of the Nether, travel to the Woodland Mansion to take on new enemies and treasures.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Ruined Nether Portal: 34, -2
Woodland Mansion: 342, 606

Sheer Ocean Cliffs

Seed: -2623850183185547198

These cliffs have been eroded by the ocean's waves, causing them to form a small secluded cove. They can be climbed down if you'd like to build a base hidden in the cove's waters. If you want to explore more of the world, there is a ruined portal, a Plains Village with a Blacksmith, and a Stony Peaks mountain to the west.

Key Locations and Coordinates
Sheer Ocean Cliffs: Spawn
Ruined Portal: -250, 267
Plains Village: -393, 100
Stony Peaks Mountain: -496, 349

Not ready to play 1.21 just yet? Check out our 26 Best Minecraft 1.20 Seeds here on Pro Game Guides to keep playing version 1.20 in style.

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