Event time: 12:00 on April 26, 2024 to 12:00 on May 6, 2024
During the event, players (character level ≥30, at least 3 people team up) can find Princess Lingxi located in Chang'an City (220,123) to receive tasks.
After completing the task, you can get rich rewards for experience, money and items.
The first 100 rings are double rewards, 101 to 140 rings are 1.4 rewards, and there is no reward for 141 rings and futures. The captain can receive a turntable reward for every 10 rings.
Strange Water Polo: When players receive tasks from Dragon Palace and Crystal Palace, they can click on strange water polo in East Bay (60, 30), and then teleport the water polo to the corresponding NPC.
Adventure Ring: When collecting a mission, players will have a chance to receive the Adventure Ring. After collecting the mission, they will be directly teleported to the fourth floor of the undersea maze.
When the battle is won, the player will receive the Guixu Exploration Order.
During battle, players will encounter the Dragon Demon King to assist in the battle. Players can use water to flood the Jinshan in each turn, causing the enemy to cause higher damage.