How to Complete Early Gacha Web Event for Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade
There are quite a few launch rewards you can claim within the client itself, but if you’re willing to put in a little extra effort, there are even more goodies to be had. Here’s how to complete the Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade Early Gacha web event.
Starting the Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade Early Gacha Web Event
First, you’ll need to have your PC and your mobile game client with you. Then, follow the steps below:
Head to the official Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade website here.
Scroll down and click on Phantom Parade Early Gacha, then click on the Participate button.
Click on Start, then log in with the email address you used to create your account in the game.
In the top left corner, click on Today’s Tasks and click on Go for each of the tasks to get your free pulls.
On the main page, do your gacha draws.
After that, click on My Backpack, which is right below Today’s Tasks.
Select an item from each category to move into your backpack, then click Claim.
From here, you’ll need to enter your server and user ID. Your server will be shown in the game’s title screen.
For your user ID, enter the game, click on Menu in the bottom right corner, click on Profile, then copy the string of letters and numbers right below your username. That’s your ID.
Enter your details, and the game will send you a verification code. To get it, click on Menu, Customer Support, Contact Customer Service, and Mail. You’ll find your verification code here.
Enter the verification code to claim your prizes, and they’ll be available in the in-game gift box.
It’s definitely a little bit convoluted, but certainly well worth the effort, especially if your draws end up being pretty good. Do note that you can only claim your prizes one time. Make sure you’ve exhausted all your draws and moved the best prizes into each backpack category before claiming them.
And that’s all you need to know about the Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade Early Gacha web event. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game, including our codes list, tier list, and progression guide.