The fictional narrative is expected to open permanently after 4:00 on January 8, 2024. It is a series of periodic updates and difficult levels. The points required to pass the level are to complete the challenge and you can receive generous rewards.
Answer: The fictional narrative copy of the Bengfa Xingqiong Railway is located in the small bookstore of Changletian Yinyin Books .
1. Within the fictional narrative gameplay, the Trail Blazers need to challenge different levels and obtain points .
2. Each level has two nodes. The Trail Blazers need to be organized into two teams and select the gain effect to challenge.
3. Before challenging the level of fictional narrative, you can choose one of the gain effects for each team.
4. Fictional narratives have their unique effects and only take effect within the current level.
5. According to the points obtained by each level, the Trail Blazers will obtain the corresponding number of stars in the corresponding level.
6. In each issue of fictional narrative, the Trail Blazers will receive various rewards based on the total number of stars they receive.