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Best ASG 89 loadout and class build for Black Ops 6


The ASG 89 in Black Ops 6 is one of the only two shotguns available at launch, making it quite a one of a kind weapon in its own niche.

Whereas the standard Marine SP might be preferred for its smaller mag size with accurate, one-shot takedowns, the ASG 89 in Black Ops 6 has a larger mag and can lean more into a spray-and-pray kind of playstyle with greater reserves.

To assist you in building the best version of this shotty, we’ll be running through the best ASG 89 attachments and build, the best class loadout, perks, and gear to use alongside it, as well as how to unlock the ASG 89.

On this page:

  • ASG 89 best attachments and build
  • ASG 89 best class loadout, perks, gear, and equipment
  • How to unlock the ASG 89 in

Black Ops 6 ASG 89 best attachments and build

Since the ASG 89 in comparison to the Marine SP is a weapon with much more available ammo, we’re leaning into that whilst improving its range capabilities and ensuring it’s a reliable weapon that can hold its own in one-on-one combat.

Though as we’ll dive into in our loadout section, we’re looking to provide the weapon with enough backup to help it in other scenarios to which it perhaps isn’t as well-suited.

Here is our recommendation for the best ASG 89 attachments and build:

  • Muzzle: Full Choke
  • Barrel: Reinforced Barrel
  • Magazine: Extended Mag I or II
  • Rear Grip: CQB Grip
  • Fire Mods: Rapid Fire or 12 Gauge Slug

We're sort of putting this together with a two-pronged approach, in that we're enhancing the weapon in two slightly different ways depending on which attachments you go with.

The bulk of the build remains the same however, with us recommending Full Choke for improved hipfire spread, the Reinforced Barrel for boosts to damage range and bullet velocity, and the CQB Grip to increase your dive-to-fire, slide-to-fire, and sprint-to-fire speeds. These strike at enhancing the core fundamentals of the gun.

As for the last couple of attachments, that's where we're looking at different options, one of which being the mag size - pick Extended Mag I or Extended Mag II based on whether or not you want more ammo, but be wary of the longer reload times that increase the more shots per mag.

In terms of the final attachment, it's between Rapid Fire and 12 Gauge Slug.

Rapid Fire is of course going to increase your rate of fire, and really allow for more firepower in shorter windows which - with our recommended perk Scavenger in the next section - lets you play a little more loosely with ammo.

Alternatively, perhaps you favour accuracy and range. In that case, the 12 Gauge Slug is for you, further increasing damage range and bullet velocity, allowing you to hit targets from further afield, and deal more damage.

It's worth noting this particular attachment was recently were nerfed however, with Treyarch stating in their preseason patch notes that they 'are removing the ability for Slugs to one-hit kill to the body for now' and will be 'revisiting the overall tuning of this attachment in an upcoming update'.

With that in mind, Rapid Fire might be the best pick here for the time being, but it's something to watch out for, as it sounds like the ability to net one-shot kills with this attachment could return, allowing you to lean more into longer-range engagements properly again.

Of course, as usual, feel free to pick whichever attachments suit your needs best, and don't be afraid to see what else you like alongside this build.

Black Ops 6 ASG 89 best class loadout, perks, gear, and equipment

As we mentioned earlier, whilst the ASG 89 can hold its own in various gunfights, it’s also limited by range and thus the number of engagements it can take part in.

Not just that, but the reload times have naturally increased with the extended mag pick, so with our loadout below, we’re looking to provide a backup weapon that can hold its own more than a standard pistol would, and also allow you to be able to cover a bit of extra distance that the shotgun itself can’t. To achieve this, we’ll be recommending two different weapons so you can pick and choose which one suits you best.

Below is our recommendation for the best Black Ops 6 ASG 89 class loadout:

Best Black Ops 6 ASG 89 loadout

  • Secondary: XM4 or Tanto .22
  • Tactical: Stim Shot or Flashbang
  • Lethal: Semtex
  • Field Upgrade: Player preference
  • Perk 1: Scavenger
  • Perk 2: Assassin
  • Perk 3: Double Time
  • Combat Specialty: Enforcer
  • Wildcard: Overkill

We’ll delve into the specifics regarding the primary weapon we’re recommending in a moment, but in terms of equipment, we’re picking the Stim Shot or Flashbang Tactical grenades - depending on whether you want a quick health bump in combat, or a way to stun enemies - Semtex as your Lethal, and whichever Field Upgrade you prefer most.

To provide a strong backup to the ASG 89, we’re recommending you equip the Overkill Wildcard and throw on either the XM4 assault rifle, or Tanto .22 submachine gun.

The thinking here is that the shotgun isn’t always going to be appropriate for every engagement you’ll end up in, and so with an assault rifle you’re going to have more of that medium range covered.

Alternatively, you could pick an SMG. Whilst that means you’re still looking at primarily close-range engagements for this too, it’ll be a nice replacement for the usual pistol you would otherwise have, alongside a higher damage output, fire rate, and available ammo. We are recommending the Tanto .22 if you're choosing an SMG, since it’s a slower-firing gun that can push towards more medium-range encounters, as we outlined in our loadout page.

As for perks, we’re thinking about these weapons sustaining themselves, making Scavenger a perfect pick in the first slot to allow you to pick up ammo from defeated enemies.

Alongside Assassin in the second and Double Time in the third, you'll be rewarded by hunting players on killstreaks and able to move around the map faster for longer.

This combination allows you to take advantage of the Enforcer Combat Specialty, rewarding you for eliminations by granting increased movement speed and health regeneration.

You're of course free to mix and match and try out the different combinations that work best for you.

For example, perhaps you'd rather build into resistances and a support playstyle with perks like Flak Jacket and Dispatcher. Pick a third Strategist perk and you'll unlock a slew of additional bonuses rather than what our Enforced approach provides.

How to unlock the ASG 89 in Black Ops 6

The ASG 89 isn’t unlocked right away like the Marine SP, and instead you’ll have to climb the ranks and reach Level 31 to use it.

You’ll reach this level naturally by playing either Multiplayer, Zombies or Warzone - once it’s released - and you can get there faster by completing various challenges.

Another thing to keep an eye out for are any Double XP events, or by making use of any Double XP tokens you have saved up.

The levelling process can take a while, but after a fair bit of investment, you should be there in no time, and on future prestiges - unless you have a Blueprint available that unlocks it - you can use a permanent unlock token to keep it available if it's a weapon you find yourself really into.

For more guides like this one covering some of Black Ops 6’s best guns, be sure to check out pages on the Tanto 22, KSV, and AS VAL.

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