Empire of the Ants is full of creatures for you to discover and even ally with throughout your journey to help save various ant kingdoms. If you want to know what they all are, here's our handy guide for how to unlock the full bestiary in Empire of the Ants.
There are dozens of bug creatures in Empire of the Ants' bestiary that serve different purposes. Some you'll encounter during various missions in each chapter of the game and they can be enemies or allies. The creatures that ally with you can be recruited as legions for either offensive or defensive tactics.
Other creatures don't necessarily take part in missions and are just part of natural exploration, but you can discover them all the same to find out more about what they do and how the ants perceive them.
Unlocking different creatures for your bestiary in Empire of the Ants is a fairly simple process. All you have to do is approach close enough to that creature and the game will automatically identify it and add it to the bestiary, which you can view at any time in the pause menu.
You'll gradually unlock most of the creatures in the bestiary just by following each chapter of the story. As you progress, you'll embark on various missions that lead to interactions with different creatures. Each chapter brings you to a different ant kingdom and with it new areas to explore and creatures to observe.
Below we've listed all 41 creatures found in Empire of the Ants' bestiary, and relative locations (area or chapter) for where to find them.
Creature | Location Found |
Worker | From Prologue missions onward; one of five legions potentially available to the player |
Warrior | From Prologue missions onward; one of five legions potentially available to the player |
Gunner | From Prologue missions onward; one of five legions potentially available to the player |
Nest Guard | From Chapter 1 missions onward; provided with the appropriate Defense nest upgrade |
Termite Worker | From Prologue missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Termite Warrior | From Prologue missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Termite Gunner | From Prologue missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Termite Nest Guard | From Chapter 1 missions onward; common at enemy termite nests |
Black Ant Worker | From Chapter 3 missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Black Ant Warrior | From Chapter 3 missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Black Ant Gunner | From Chapter 3 missions onward; one of five common enemy legions |
Black Ant Nest Guard | From Chapter 3 missions onward; common at enemy black ant nests |
??? | "Seems to be counselors for Belo-kiu-kiuni?" First encountered in Chapter 1 |
Belo-kiu-kuni | Founder and Queen of Bel-o-kan. First encountered in Chapter 1 |
Ta-yu-ni | Queen of Ta-yu-kan, part of the Federation First encountered in Chapter 2 |
Paussus | First encountered in Chapter 1 around Bel-o-kan |
Green Rose Chafer | From Chapter 3 missions onward; a Super Predator legion potentially available to the player (must equip it via the loadout menu in Chapter 3) |
Dorbeetle | From Chapter 1 missions onward; a Super Predator legion available to the player |
Ladybug | From Chapter 2 missions onward; a common Super Predator enemy legion encountered near foraging/food nodes |
Firebug | From Prologue missions onward; a common enemy legion found guarding foraging/food nodes on the map |
Pillbug | From Chapter 2 missions onward; encountered in the area around Ta-yu-kan |
Water Strider | From Chapter 1 missions onward; seen gliding on flood waters during Chapter 1 exploration mission to Ta-yu-kan |
Aphid | From Chapter 1 missions onward; one of five legions potentially available to the player |
Snail | From Chapter 3 missions onward; a Support legion potentially available to the player (must equip it via the loadout menu in Chapter 3) |
Slug | From Chapter 1 missions onward; encountered on a tire sticking out of the flood water during the Chapter 1 exploration mission to Ta-yu-kan |
Glow Worm | From Chapter 2 missions onward; First encountered during nighttime intel mission |
Firefly | From Chapter 1 missions onward; First encountered during mission to hunt fireflies for food |
Dragonfly | From Chapter 1 onward; One of the most common insects found during missions and around ant kingdoms such as Bel-o-kan and Ta-yu-kan. |
Butterfly | From Chapter 1 onward; One of the most common insects found during missions and around ant kingdoms such as Bel-o-kan and Ta-yu-kan. |
Bumblebee | From Chapter 1 onward; One of the most common insects found during missions and around ant kingdoms such as Bel-o-kan and Ta-yu-kan; they're constantly flying around and a close fly-by will unlock this entry |
Wasp | From Chapter 1 onward; One of the most common insects found during missions and around ant kingdoms such as Bel-o-kan and Ta-yu-kan; they're constantly flying around and a close fly-by will unlock this entry |
Diadem Spider | From Chapter 2 onward; encountered passively during certain missions |
Diadem Spiderlings | From Chapter 2 onward; first encountered during the nighttime intel mission offered in Chapter 2 (patrolling the large animal skull) |
Jumping Spider | From Chapter 1 missions onward; first encountered during Chapter 1 exploration mission to Ta-yu-kan |
Be sure to check out all of our latest gaming guides and news for Empire of the Ants here Pro Game Guides, such as our Empire of the Ants Review - A Big and Beautiful World Through the Smallest Eyes.