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Wuthering Waves next Banner and current Banner, list of all Banners in Wuthering Waves


Wuthering Waves Banners are what you can spend your Tide currency on to pull for characters and weapons in the game's gacha system.

Every character event Banner (also called Convenes) runs for three weeks, making way for the next Banner. These event Banners have a single 5-Star character with boosted pull odds, and three boosted 4-Star characters.

There's also a weapon Banner that changes its featured 5-Star and 4-Star pulls every three weeks alongside the character Banner refresh, and four permanent Banners available with their own unique character and weapon pools.

To help you decide who to save your Tides for next, we've detailed what the next and current Banners are in Wuthering Waves below, along with a list of all Banners that have ran in the game since its 1.0 launch.

On this page:

Next Banners:

  • Next Banner event characters
  • Next weapon Banners

Current Banners:

  • Current character event Banners
  • Current weapon event Banners
  • Limited-time Beginner's Choice Banner
  • Utterance of Marvels Banner
  • Beginner's Choice Banner
  • Tidal Chorus Banner
  • Drawn Edges weapon Banner

Banner list:

  • List of all Banners in Wuthering Waves

Next Banner event characters

For these temporary event character Banners, you have to use Radiant Tides to pull on them, and this Banner changes every three weeks.

We now officially know that Camellya is the next Banner in Wuthering Waves during version 1.4, with Camellya a 5-Star Havoc sword-user on her End of Lost Trail Banner.

Then in Phase 2, we have reruns of Yinlin and Xiangli Yao, with Yinlin a 5-Star Electro rectifier-user on her When Thunder Pours Banner, and Xiangli Yao a 5-Star Electro gauntlets-user on his Celestial Revelation Banner.

Additionally, Lumi is a new 4-Star Electro character who will be one of the boosted 4-Stars on Yinlin and Xiangli Yao's next Banners.

Next weapon event Banner

Absolute Pulsation, Wuthering Waves' weapon event Banner, changes its temporarily boosted 5-Star and 4-Star weapons every three weeks, at the same time new event character Banners are added, and you must use Forging Tides to pull on this weapon Banner.

As Camellya is next in version 1.4, we're getting her signature 5-Star sword, Red Spring, in the next weapon Banner in Wuthering Waves.

Then in Phase 2 of version, we're getting reruns of the Stringmaster 5-Star rectifier, and Verity's Handle 5-Star gauntlets, Yinlin and Xiangli Yao's signature weapons, respectively.

Current character event Banner

The current character Banner in Wuthering Waves ends on Wednesday 13th November. You can check exactly how long each Banner has left in your own server time by checking under the Banner name.

The current character Banner in Wuthering Waves is Jiyan, with Jiyan a 5-Star Aero character who uses a broadblade on his Prevail the Lasting Night Banner. New 4-Star Youhu debuts on his Banner as one of the boosted 4-Star characters.

All of the 4-Star characters boosted on Jiyan's current Banner are:

  • Youhu (Glacio)
  • Sanhua (Glacio)
  • Mortefi (Fusion)

Current weapon event Banner

The current weapon Banner ends on Wednesday 13th November. You can check exactly how long each Banner has left in your own server time by checking under the Banner name.

The current weapon event Banner features the returning 5-Star Verdant Summit broadland, Jiyan's signature. Here's all of the 4-Star weapons boosted on Jiyan's current weapon Banner in Wuthering Waves:

  • Celestial Spiral (gauntlet)
  • Variation (rectifier)
  • Helios Cleaver (broadblade)

Limited-time Beginner's Choice Banner

To make up for the many launch issues in Wuthering Waves, you get a Voucher of Reciprocal Tides to use on the special limited-time Beginner's Choice Banner to instantly get the 5-Star character of your choice. Not to be confused with the regular Beginner's Choice Banner that rewards a 5-Star of your choice after 80 pulls.

Check out our page on how to use the Voucher of Reciprocal Tides for all the details on this special Banner.

In short though, you need to log in to the game before 22nd May 2025 and either reach Union Level 8 or unlock the Convene (Banner) menu after completing the trial in 'First Resonance' to instantly receive your voucher through the in-game mail system.

Then, just go to the Convene menu and look for the Beginner's Choice Banner with the green 'Choice' message and pick your 5-Star to instantly get them.

The 5-Star characters available to pick from on this Beginner's Choice Banner are:

  • Verina
  • Encore
  • Calcharo
  • Jianxin
  • Lingyang

Utterance of Marvels Banner

You can spend your Lustrous Tides on the permanent Utterance of Marvels Banner. However, once you've pulled 50 times on it (or get your 5-Star before this), Utterance of Marvels will no longer be available - but you do unlock the Beginner's Choice Banner. More details on this in the next section.

It's worth using your Lustrous Tides on the Utterance of Marvels Banner, as there's a 20% discount for a set of 10 ten pulls, so you get ten for the price of eight, and you are guaranteed a 5-Star character within these 50 total pulls, so really, you get a 5-Star after using 40 Lustrous Tides. Keep in mind that you can't do single pulls on this Novice Banner because of its discount.

There are five 5-Star characters you can get from the Utterance of Marvels Banner in Wuthering Waves:

  • Verina
  • Encore
  • Calcharo
  • Jianxin
  • Lingyang

Here's the 4-Star characters available in the Utterance of Marvels Banner:

  • Aalto
  • Baizhi
  • Chixia
  • Danjin
  • Mortefi
  • Sanhua
  • Taoqi
  • Yangyang
  • Yuanwu

Beginner's Choice Banner

Once the Utterance of Marvels Banner disappears when you pull 50 times on it (or get your 5-Star before this), the Beginner's Choice Banner will activate. With Beginner's Choice, you use your Lustrous Tides to pull for a standard 5-Star character of your choice, and you are guaranteed your desired 5-Star after 80 pulls.

For every 10 pulls you make on Tidal Chorus, you are guaranteed at least one 4-Star character or weapon.

Here are the five 5-Star characters you can choose on the Beginner's Choice Banner in Wuthering Waves:

  • Verina
  • Encore
  • Calcharo
  • Jianxin
  • Lingyang

Here's the 4-Star characters available in the Beginner's Choice Banner:

  • Aalto
  • Baizhi
  • Chixia
  • Danjin
  • Mortefi
  • Sanhua
  • Taoqi
  • Yangyang
  • Yuanwu

Tidal Chorus Banner

All 5-Star characters and weapons that will never be boosted in the limited-time event character Banners are available in Tidal Chorus, a permanent Banner, and for every 10 pulls you make with Lustrous Tides on Tidal Chorus, you are guaranteed at least one 4-Star character or weapon.

You are also guaranteed to pull a 5-Star character after spending 80 Lustrous Tides.

Here are all the 5-Star characters you can get from the Tidal Chorus Banner:

  • Verina
  • Encore
  • Calcharo
  • Jianxin
  • Lingyang

There are a lot more 4-Star items than 5-Stars in the Banner, so here's every 4-Star character you can get from Tidal Chorus:

  • Aalto
  • Baizhi
  • Chixia
  • Danjin
  • Mortefi
  • Sanhua
  • Taoqi
  • Yangyang
  • Yuanwu

Drawn Edges weapon Banner

The permanent Drawn Edges weapon Banner in Wuthering Waves lets you pick one of the 5-Star weapons that will never be boosted on the event weapon Banner, then after 80 pulls you are guaranteed to get the weapon you picked.

You are also guaranteed to get a 4-Star character or weapon for every 10 pulls you make with Lustrous Tides on this permanent weapon Banner.

Here are all the 5-Star weapons you can get from the Drawn Edges weapon Banner:

  • Emerald of Genesis (sword)
  • Lustrous Razor (broadblade)
  • Static Mist (pistols)
  • Abyss Surges (gauntlets)
  • Cosmic Ripples (rectifier)

And here's all of the 4-Star weapons you can get from the Drawn Edges weapon Banner:

  • Dauntless Evernight (broadblade)
  • Discord (broadblade)
  • Helios Cleaver (broadblade)
  • Commando of Conviction (sword)
  • Lunar Cutter (sword)
  • Overture (sword)
  • Undying Flame (pistols)
  • Cadenza (pistols)
  • Novaburst (pistols)
  • Amity Accord (gauntlets)
  • Marcato (gauntlets)
  • Hollow Mirage (gauntlets)
  • Jinzhou Keeper (rectifier)
  • Variation (rectifier)
  • Comet Flare (rectifier)

You can also pull any of the 4-Stars characters available on Tidal Chorus from the Drawn Edges weapon Banner.

List of all Banners in Wuthering Waves

There have been 11 character event Banners in Wuthering Waves since its 1.0 launch, including future Banners. When more get added, or official details are made available, we'll add to the table below so you can see the entire history of its limited-time Banners.

For future reference, keep in mind that each Banner rerun will be different. It will have the same 5-Star character, but a different pool of boosted 4-Star characters.

The table below shows the entire history of all character Banners in Wuthering Waves:

Banner name5-Star character4-Star charactersBanner dates
Prevail the Lasting NightJiyanDanjin, Chixia, Mortefi23rd May, 2024 to 13th June
When Thunder PoursYinlinTaoqi, Aalto, Yuanwu6th June, 2024, to 27th June, 2024
Thawborn RenewalJinhsiDanjin, Sanhua, Yangyang28th June, 2024 to 22nd July, 2024
Vermillion's PloyChangliBaizhi, Mortefi, Taoqi22nd July, 2024 to 14th August
Chromatic ProseZhezhiChixia, Baizhi, Sanhua15th August, 2024 to 7th September, 2024
Celestial RevelationXiangli YaoDanjin, Aalto, Yuanwu7th September, 2024 to 28th September, 2024
Till the Sea Turns ClearThe ShorekeeperTaoqi, Yangyang, Chixia29th September, 2024 to 24th October, 2024
Prevail the Lasting NightJiyanYouhu, Sanhua, Mortefi24th October, 2024 to 13th November, 2024
End of Lost TrailCamellyaTBC14th November, 2024 to 5th December (TBC)
When Thunder PoursYinlinLumi and TBC5th December, 2024 to 25th December (TBC)
Celestial RevelationXiangli YaoLumi and TBC5th December, 2024 to 25th December (TBC)

Good luck pulling on Banners in Wuthering Waves!

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