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How to complete The Snake Nest Deal in Dragon Age Veilguard


The Snake Nest Deal in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a side quest you can pick up in Dock Town in Minrathous.

This one tasks you with finding the missing husband of a woman called Sabina, and as with all things in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, there's a dark story waiting to be discovered. You won't need any specific companions for this quest and there's no combat for this one, just pure detective skills this time.

Without further ado, here's how to complete The Snake Nest Deal in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

For more help on your travels across Thedas, check out our Dragon Age: The Veilguard walkthrough.

Dragon Age The Veilguard The Snake Nest Deal walkthrough

You can start the Snake Nest Deal side quest by speaking to Sabina at Ferryman Row in the second level of Dock Town. We've marked her location on the map below to help:

Once you've spoken to her you'll be tasked with tracking down her husband, and your first stop will be to go to the Snake Nest on the third level of Dock Town. Track the quest in your journal and its location will be shown on your map:

The easiest and quickest way to get here is to fast travel to a nearby fast travel beacon.

Once you're at the Snake Nest, head inside and your next task will be to look around for clues. There are three to find:

  • Clue One - Investigate the Fireplace to find this clue.
  • Clue Two - An open book on the bar top to the right of the bartender.
  • Clue Three - Talk to the bartender.

When you've done this, turn your back to the bartender and head out the door on your left. Once outside, head directly opposite you and you should find there's a ladder on your left with blood stains underneath it. Climb up this and once you're at the top follow the blood stains. They'll bring you to a bloody coat - investigate this.

Once you've done that, follow the path to your left into a Rooftop Apartment. In here, there are two more clues to find:

  • Clue One - Stack of books beside the smaller bed.
  • Clue Two - Small book on the desk beside the door.

When you've found both of these clues go back to the bartender at the Snake Nest and speak to her again - she'll be more cooperative this time. You now need to go and investigate their storage area. Put your back to the bartender, exit out the door to the left and the storage area will be directly opposite you.

Head in here and investigate the middle bookcase on your right. This will reveal a secret entrance (say it with me 'oooh').

In the secret room head to the left and you'll find a lever. Interact with this and it will open the wall next to you (as well as calling up an elevator). Head through the newly opened wall and into the elevator on your right. In here, pull the lever to head down to the next area below.

When you exit the elevator head forwards past the blood stain on the floor and jump down into the hole below. Don't worry, it's not deep enough to get any fall damage. When you're down here, look for the wooden boards covering a gap in the wall. Smash them with a melee attack and head through.

Slide down the ramp on your left and, at the bottom of this, you'll find quite a few sacrifices placed in a circle. In this room, investigate the book to the left against the wall underneath the hanging body.

Then, from here head over the broken wall to your left and follow the path around until it brings you into a room with a chest, power crystals and a body in a cage. Interact with the cage to learn that, sadly, this body is Atticus.

Once you've done this, look to the right of the cage and attack the wooden shelf here. Doing this will also knock down the wooden beam behind it, creating an easier path back to the sacrificed bodies you just found.

Grab one of the power crystals beside you then head across the beam and place it into the device beside the door. Once the door is open it will reveal a portal but don't use it yet. Instead, go back across the beam to grab the remaining power crystal, then return to the door and head through the portal here.

When you're through the portal, follow the path forwards and place the crystal on the device in front of you. This will create a bridge across the large gap you jumped into earlier.

Cross the bridge then use the zipline to your left to get back down to Dock Town. Now all you need to do is break the news to Sabina.

Once you've done this, you will have completed The Snake Nest Deal - good job Rook!

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Dragon Age: The Veilguard content then check out our pages showing you how to enchant equipment, how to solve the Lighthouse statue puzzle, or how to respec.

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