Black Ops 6 Zombies features an array of easter eggs on its new maps, with Liberty Falls in particular featuring Aetherella figurines to collect that turn you into a literal superhero who can shoot lasers from her eyes. What’s not to like?
For this Black Ops 6 Zombies easter egg, you’ll need to use the famed Jet Gun to collect all the figurines hidden around the map.
To explain how to become Aetherella herself, we’ll be running through and listing the locations of all nine Aetherella figurines, and how to unlock the World Domination achievement.
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You might have noticed the statue of the superhero Aetherella inside of the Olly’s Comics store in your past runs of Liberty Falls, and perhaps you’ve noticed figurines in different parts of the map too. You might have even wondered if something can be done with them.
Well, as it turns out, they are indeed linked, and thanks to one of the maps easter eggs, you’re able to become Aetherella yourself, getting the chance to put your crime-stopping skills to good use against the zombie hordes, whilst simultaneously roaming the map.
To get to this point however, there is a fair bit of set up required. Unlike certain other parts for other weapons and items you can craft - such as the Jet Gun - you can’t simply walk over and hold interact with these particular collectibles.
Instead, you’ll need to craft the Jet Gun, a weapon essential for this easter egg.
After crafting the weapon, you’ll be able to use it to collect the various Aetherella figurines hidden around the map, using the weapon’s primary fire to suck them up.
Done successfully, you’ll hear a small sound cue to confirm this - though it’s easy to miss depending on what else is going on around you as it’s not entirely distinctive or loud.
Should you need to move or run out of ammo mid-suction, the figurine will just hover in the air and you can continue to collect it whenever you’re next ready.
Upon collecting the last of the nine figurines, you’ll be instantly turned into Aetherella, and have a couple of minutes to explore the map and embrace the power of this superhero.
Shortly after transforming into Aetherella, you’ll also unlock the 'World Domination' achievement for completing the easter egg.
To help you find all of the Aetherella figurines, in the next section, we run through the locations of each one, with images and map references to help along the way.
As mentioned, there are nine Aetherella figurines you’ll need and each of these are scattered around the map. Most are pretty simple to get, though some are a little awkward or more out of reach than others.
Below we run through all locations of the Aetherella figurines, providing a mix of screenshots and map references to help you locate the specific location, set out in an order that starts with the closest to the first you can find after building the jet gun, but they can be done in any order.
Here are all nine locations of Aetherella figurines in the Black Ops 6 Zombies map, Liberty Falls:
The first location we’re starting with is right near to where you build the Jet Gun, and also very close to where you first begin matches on Liberty Falls.
On top of the motel sign on the outside of the building, above the sidewalk, you can spot the Aetherella figurine. Use the Jet Gun's primary fire to collect it.
Next, if you’re following our order for these collectibles, head on through the Liberty Lanes bowling alley and out the other side for the next figurine location.
After exiting Liberty Lanes as if you’re going to the church, you’ll want to jump up onto the nearby bus. You can easily do this by jumping from the nearby ledge that leads up the stairs toward the church.
As you get closer towards the sign whilst on top of the bus, you should be able to see the figurine perched below the letter 'L'.
Suck it up and move onto the next location.
Though it's admittedly true of nearly all of them, this next Aetherella figurine is particularly easy to miss - to the upper-right of the church entrance, sat on the ledge of one of its windows.
Just like the other figurines, pick it up with the Jet Gun, and then continue to head around the map, past the graveyard and Groundskeeper’s house to nearby the flower shop.
Before directly reaching the flower shop, jump up onto the roof of the building that’s adjacent to it on the other side of the road.
Once up there, look across the gap towards the flower shop, and on the outside of the window will be where you can spot your fourth figurine.
Before moving away from this area, be sure to take the nearby zipline across to the large, open rooftop of the building where you buy the Jugger-Nog perk to look for your next figurine.
If you’re not there already, head to the large, open rooftop of the building nearby where Olly’s Comics is - you’ll have to use the ziplines to reach it.
Once there, on the far side near an Arsenal machine, you can find a wooden plank that acts as a door that can be purchased and unlocked to drop down to a lower level.
Buy that, move through and drop down.
Once there, you’ll want to look to the rooftop across the gap and there’ll be a figurine sat on the other side.
This one is tricky to spot, and for me personally, I didn’t start seeing it until a few seconds after I started firing the Jet Gun in the general direction, at which point I ran out of ammo as it finally emerged, meaning I had to give it a few seconds to try again after the weapon overheated.
Our recommendation here would be to just fire the Jet Gun at the ventilation ducts, reserving a bit of ammo in the weapon so that it doesn’t overheat, and once it’s recharged, try again to collect the figurine.
If you’re playing solo, you might have to run around with a zombie or two in this small rooftop area, but be wary that once you’re firing the Jet Gun - even if you’re not aiming at them - it’s likely this will kill the zombies, and progress to the next round.
Should this happen though, so long as you’ve followed the order we’ve listed, the remaining figurines are all in very simple and easy-to-spot locations you can clean up within seconds of each other.
As mentioned, the final four figurines are in pretty easy-to-spot locations, all within the Olly’s Comics store.
If you haven’t already, you’ll have to pay some points to open the door.
Once open, you can pick up the remaining figurines.
The first of these final four is directly on your left as you enter, if coming in from the previous figurine - if not, look in the corner next to the doorway that leads into the alley.
As for the second of these last figurines, it’s up on a shelf higher up and almost directly opposite the previous figurine.
The third figurine in this last set is directly along the same wall as the previous figurine - more specifically, it's to its left, on the inside of the shop window.
Finally, the fourth and final figurine is atop a shelf nearby the Aetherella statue herself.
Upon collecting this final figurine, a few moments after you’ll be transformed into Aetherella, and be able to move around the map freely for a short amount of time whilst she automatically eye-lasers any enemy in your path.
The Aetherella easter egg in the Liberty Falls zombie map for Black Ops 6 allows you to take control of a statue resembling the superhero herself, and use her power to defeat zombies.
Whilst controlling Aetherella, you can’t take any damage and the statue herself will automatically target enemies with her laser, destroying them faster than almost any other weapon in the game.
It can be used as a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free card in some sense, and you can actually use Aetherella in the final fight of the Liberty Falls main story easter egg too – so that’s an option if you’d like greater survivability specifically for that.
It’s worth remembering though that the power up only lasts for one to two minutes, so you won’t be able to rely on it for too long overall.
Once the time is up, you’ll be transformed back into your original form, so just be wary of nearby enemies so you don’t get caught up in an unwanted scenario where you’re swarmed by zombies.
For more guides on Black Ops 6 Zombies, be sure to check out our pages running through various other easter eggs such as how to complete the main story quest easter egg on Liberty Falls, as well as where to find Pack-A-Punch, how to activate the bowling alley easter egg, and how to open the vault.