Another odyssey awaits vanguards and defenders who wish to prove their tower defense chops. While you'll recognize many like Speedcart, Goko, or Naruto, there's much to learn about the Anime Odyssey. Use the Anime Odyssey Trello link and join the AO Discord server to prepare for all challenges.
You can find some of the most important information about Anime Odyssey on the game's Trello board. You'll first notice a list of units divided into categories: Limited, Secret, Mythic, Legendary, etc. That way, you're one click away from learning more about units like Toshi, a Mythic support unit. If you're looking for free rewards, check out Anime Odyssey codes. Here's a list of some of the most useful categories in Anime Odyssey Trello:
Like most Roblox wiki pages, you don't have to create an account to access the AO Trello board. All you need to do to use Trello is to click on the link above. Content is divided among columns, so you can easily find what you need. For example, if you want to learn more about Rikugan Eye, simply click on the card in the Items category. To speed up the search, press the F key and type the term you want.
Roblox Anime Odyssey has a handy AO Discord server where you can talk to players and learn more about the game. Therefore, you should first visit #announcements and #update-log channels where developers announce new content. I found the #polls channel very interesting, as developers give fans a chance to decide on future content here.
You can access the Anime Odyssey server with a Discord account. You should download the Discord app and create an account, especially if you never used it before. These steps are necessary so you can verify your account and get full access to the server. You can use Discord on PC and mobile device, but I suggest you use desktop version as it's easier to navigate channels.
Now that you know more about the Anime Odyssey Trello link, check out the Roblox Game Codes page on Pro Game Guides.