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The First Berserker Khazan All Soulstones and Jarlings Locations


The First Berserker: Khazan sticks to classic RPG mechanics—leveling up your character and buying gear from shops—but it also introduces two unique collectibles: Soulstones and Jarlings. Soulstones enhance Khazan’s core stats like stamina, damage, and damage multiplier, while Jarlings reward you with rare items as you gather more of them. In this guide, we’ll walk you through every Soulstone and Jarling location so you can max out Khazan’s potential in the game.

How to Get All Khazan Soulstones & Jarlings Guide (Locations)

There are 100 Soulstones and 44 Jarlings for you to find in The First Berserker Khazan.

Soulstones are the red crystals that can be collected by breaking them with a melee weapon or using the javelin sometimes when they are out of Khazan's reach. On the other hand, Jarlings are small glowing jars that can be collected by breaking secret/hidden pots, which are then sent to the Danjin NPC in the Crevice.

Collecting all Soulstones will unlock the Agent of the Netherworld achievement/trophy, while collecting all Jarlings will grant you the Jar Enthusiast achievement/trophy in The First Berserker Khazan.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in First Act of Revenge Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstones Locations in the First Act of Revenge Mission

First Soulstone

From Central Storehouse Blade Nexus, take the left path and follow it until it stops at a closed door with wolves on one side and an elite enemy on the other. Defeat this elite enemy, and you will find the first soulstone on a ramp to the left side of the area.

Second Soulstone

The second soulstone is inside a wooden barricaded room, which is near the ambush area. Just beat all the enemies first and go inside the room to find the soulstone.

All Jarlings Locations in First Act of Revenge Mission

There is only one Jarling collectible in the First Act of Revenge. This can be found near the first soulstone. Before opening the door that leads to an elite enemy, take the ladder just before the wolves. Once you are on the top floor, drop down to the other side of the house through the opening, and you will find the jarling in the corner.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Forgotten Temple Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Forgotten Temple Mission

First Soulstone

The first soulstone in the Forgotten Temple mission can be found in the snowy area. Before going inside the temple, you will find a brute with a greatsword on the road, with the right side leading to the temple and the left one to the soulstone.

Second Soulstone

The second soulstone is found inside the temple in front of a big statue with three crystals at its base. Go to the far right side of the statue, and you will find two pots at the corner. Defeat the enemies first in this area and then break the pots to reveal the second soulstone.

Third Soulstone

The final soulstone in the Forgotten Temple is hidden behind the second statue puzzle. You reach here by defeating the elite enemy.

Once you have solved the statue puzzle, the soulstone will be revealed. But, to destroy it, you will need to use the Javelin as it will be out of Khazan's melee range.

All Jarling Locations in Forgotten Temple Mission

There is only one jarling in the Forgotten Temple mission. This can be collected after deactivating all of the netherworld energy devices.

After that, you are required to fight the Revenant of Adversity and take the lift upstairs. But before you go there, turn left and you will find the pot at the end of the path near the stairs.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Night of Tragedy Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstones Locations in Night of Tragedy Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone in the Night of Tragedy mission can be found inside the room below where undead will ambush Khazan. As you go inside the room, an undead foe with a greatsword will arise. Defeat it and collect the soulstone.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is found in the next area, right after the first one. Take the path forward after coming out of the room where you found the first soulstone.

Then, drop down the ledge and you will find the second soulstone below the bridge near the stairs. You cannot break it using a melee weapon as the soulstone will be out of Khazan's range. So, use the javelin here.

All Jarling Locations in Night of Tragedy Mission

There is only one Jarling in the Night of Tragedy mission. This can be found near the location of the second soulstone. Just go to the opposite end of the stairs and you will find a couple of pots on the ground. Break them and you will find the Jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Blacksmith's Heirloom Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Blacksmith's Heirloom Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone is located on the left side of the starting point in the mission. There will be a stone monkey enemy, and when you have defeated it, look to the left near the tall wooden structure. You will find the first soulstone in the Blacksmith's Heirloom in the corner.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is near the last Blade Nexus point. After defeating a flying enemy, you will find stairs on the left. Climb those stairs and find the soulstone at the end of the path.

All Jarling Locations in Blacksmith's Heirloom Mission

There is one jarling in this mission and it can be found right after you have collected the first soulstone. Before exiting the first room in this mission, look to the right on an elevated ground and you will find a corpse with a red-colored aura releasing from it.

When you go near it, an underground enemy will attack you. Defeat this foe and at the corner, you will find a few pots, and one of them will be the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Kaleido Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Kaleido Mission

First Soulstone location

After passing through the fire contraptions, you will come to a series of stairs that will lead you to the deactivated Netherworld energy emitting device. The soulstone is found at the top of it, but to see it clearly, take the stairs and defeat the enemies.

Then, stand near the ladder, and you will have a direct javelin shot that will break the soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Kaleido Mission

The jarling can be found in the next room from where you found the soulstone. As you climb down the stairs, you will find pillars supporting a structure. The pillar on the left side has a pot at its base. Break it and you will find the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Veiled Knives Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Veiled Knives Mission

First Soulstone location

The room with the locked gate to the left side of the Bandit's Citadel Blade Nexus has the first soulstone of the Veiled Knives mission. However, to open the locked door, you will have to go left, take the stairs up, and drop down into the room through the roof to reach the soulstone.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is found when you walk on the path to open the big gate right in front of the Bandit's Citadel Blade Nexus. When you are on the top floor of it, there will be enemies and an opening in the floor.

Drop down through it and you will find the second soulstone in the corner.

Third Soulstone location

Just before the Maluca boss fight gate, you will find the Throne of the Veil Blade Nexus. There is a big gate behind the Blade Nexus that can be opened by interacting with it.

Look to your right, and you will find the third soulstone on the top of a wall. You will need to use the Javelin to break this soulstone, though.

All Jarling Locations in Veiled Knives Mission

You will come to a courtyard after crossing a giant stone ball rolling down the stairs from the courtyard. There will be an elite enemy and a few smaller foes.

After defeating the elite enemy in the courtyard, who also drops the Knight's Scroll armor set crafting recipe, look for the jarling near a broken shield and armor statue. There will be a few pots and chests near the jarling on the ground.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Human Xilence Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Human Xilence Mission

First Soulstone location

After fighting the elite enemy wielding a hammer near the dilapidated netherworld energy device, you will need to climb a ladder nearby. Once you have climbed the ladder, look to your right and you will find a statue holding the red crystal in both hands.

Use the javelin to break the crystal and collect the first soulstone in the Human Xilence mission.

Second Soulstone location

Right after getting the first soulstone, go through the stairs that will take you into the next room. After that, go to the first room on the left, and at the end of the corridor, you will find the second soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Human Xilence Mission

Before turning left from the Main Cavern Stairway Blade Nexus, continue walking straight towards the dead end, and you will find a few pots on the ground. One of these pots contains a jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Escaping Linon Mine Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Escaping Linon Mine Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone is found hidden behind a couple of spider sacs. After taking the stairs that further connect to hanging bridges, look to the right to spot the soulstone.

You can use the javelin here to break from a range. Or, circle back to the soulstone using the hanging bridges and then break it using the melee weapon.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is blended very well with a giant red crystal. You reach here by following the path after collecting the first soulstone and climbing down a ladder.

Look at the base of the giant red crystal, and you will spot the soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Escaping Linon Mine Mission

The jarling in Escaping Linon Mine can be found before reaching the location of the first soulstone. When you reach the overlooking spot and can see a lot of spider sacs at the ground level, the jarling can be found in the corner.

Eliminate all the spiders in the area, and you will find a pot near a hanging cage in the corner. Break it to collect the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Pavel's Final Words Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Pavel's Final Words Mission

First Soulstone location

After talking with Tristian at the start of the mission, continue walking straight the hallway instead of turning right. You will encounter a mage enemy at the end of the hallway with a coffin leaning on a pillar. The first soulstone can be found behind this coffin.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone can be found before going through the lift that descends and takes you to the Cavern Beneath the Citadel Blade Nexus. Before entering the lift, turn back and look up to find the second soulstone kept between the pillars.

All Jarling Locations in Pavel's Final Words Mission

After unlocking the shortcut door in the prisoner cell area, before taking the stairs that will lead you to the upper section of the mission, turn right and go to the room at the end of the hallway. You will find a couple of pots inside. Break them to reveal the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Witch's Castle Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Witch's Castle Mission

First Soulstone location

After crossing the earlier area of the mission and opening a gate, you will come to an overlooking spot with a lot of enemies below you. Before jumping down, turn the camera around, and you will find a red glow at the corner.

Go there and you will find the first soulstone of the Witch's Castle mission.

Second Soulstone location

After lowering the water in the mission using a lever, you will get to access the areas that were flooded before. Now, from the nearest Blade Nexus, go back and take the ladder that earlier had flooded water.

Next, you will come across an area with houses and trees at the center. Look for a house with wooden barricades on its door near a tree. You will find the second soulstone there.

Third Soulstone location

Continue exploring the area further from where you found the second soulstone, and you will come across a staircase with a locked door at the end of the path. There will be a few archer undead enemies and one with a greatsword. Defeat them all and open the locked door to find the third soulstone inside the room.

Fourth Soulstone location

The fourth soulstone can be found in the latter part of the mission when you have reached the castle with the library section on the second and third floors. After crossing the Blade Nexus just outside the castle, climb the stairs in the main hall and take another stairs on the right.

At the end of the hallway you will find undead enemies inside a room and a ladder as well. Climb the ladder, and another undead enemy with a greatsword will be waiting for you there. You will find a soulstone in the corner.

Fifth Soulstone location

After reaching at the third floor of the castle by going from the left of the main hall, you will reach the library section at one end of this floor. Go to the shelves found on the right side of this area, and you will find a green-colored book.

Interact with the book, and it will reveal a secret room behind the bookshelves with the fifth soulstone of the Witch's Castle mission inside it.

All Jarling Locations in Witch's Castle Mission

Now, just as you went to the right side of the library section to find a secret room, this time go to the left of it, and you will find a big pot at the end of it. Break it to reveal the jarling inside it.

All Jarling Location Guide in Lacrima Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

There are no soulstones in Lacrima, but there is one jarling to find. After fighting the flame-firing enemy at the end of the bridge, go to the room on the left and then take another left through a barricade. You will find the jarling in the corner inside a pot there.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Valus's Axe Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Valus's Axe Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone can only be accessed after deactivating the purple-colored devices in the room next to the starting Blade Nexus. Once all of the devices are turned off, the first room will become accessible.

The soulstone can be seen on a pipe, so look up as you get inside the room.

Second Soulstone location

After defeating the elite enemy further down in the mission, you will find large water containers in the left room. Look for the second soulstone near at the end of this room, behind the water container.

All Jarling Locations in Valus's Axe Mission

There is another room to the right where you fought the elite enemy, as we mentioned above. Go to that room, defeat the invisible enemy and then you will find pots and barrels at the end of it. The jarling can be found there.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Atlante The Precise Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Atlante The Precise Mission

First Soulstone location

After defeating the elite enemy and going further down the path, you will find a series of stairs on the right path and a few pots on the left. Go to the left side and an undead enemy with a greatsword will charge at Khazan there. Defeat the enemy and find the soulstone to the left of where the enemy appeared.

All Jarling Locations in Atlante The Precise Mission

The jarling can be found near the Where Death Lingers Blade Nexus. Continue down the path, and you will encounter an undead with a saber weapon. Defeat this enemy and you should be able to see a big pot near the plague status effect inflicting vines. Break it to reveal the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Corruptors' Fortress Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Corruptors' Fortress Mission

First Soulstone location

From the Massive Gate Blade Nexus, take the stairs and go back to the cells area. You will find an undead enemy first with a big shield, and in the next corridor, there will be another foe with a saber weapon. You will be able to reach the soulstone through a hole in the wall and collect it.

Second First Soulstone location

The second soulstone is found after you have reached the Vaisar Watchtower. Continue the path ahead and you will need to cross enemies and a beast. Then you will need to climb up using the ladder and defeat two foes at the top.

After that, there will be a ladder that will take you down, and before you move forward, look to the left inside a small room. A few wooden boxes will be at its entrance and behind it, you can find the second soulstone.

Third Soulstone location

To reach the third soulstone, continue down the path after getting the second soulstone and you will encounter an elite enemy with a shield and a spear weapon. Defeat this enemy, and then you will find a few NPCs on the path leading to the right and another to the stars on the left.

Take the left path, and at the corner you will find the third soulstone.

Fourth Soulstone location

After opening the massive gate by continuing the mission, go through the gate, and at the end of the path you will find two knights. Before going further from there, take the left and climb up the ladder.

You will find a few enemies near the trebuchet. Defeat them all and then find the fourth soulstone in the room near the trebuchet.

Fifth Soulstone location

The fifth soulstone is behind an illusionary wall. This can be found in the hall just before going for the Skalpel boss. Strike your weapon at the wall on the right in the hallway near the statues to reveal the soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Corruptors' Fortress Mission

Continue going forward from the Massive Gate Blade Nexus, and you will reach a cellar. The jarling is found on a higher platform and to reach it, you will need to take the stairs in the adjacent room.

Once you are the top, carefully drop down so that you land on the platform with a chest and a few pots instead of the ground floor. Break the pots to find the jarling hidden inside them.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Last Command Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Last Command Mission

First Soulstone location

There is only one soulstone in the Last Command mission and it can be found on a rock near a staircase when you reach the courtyard. The fastest way to reach here is to go back the path from the Execution Ground Blade Nexus and use the javelin to break the soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Last Command Mission

After freeing up the NPCs in a cage near archers and explosive barrels, you will find a bundle of logs and a pot beside it. Break the pot to reveal the jarling hidden inside it.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Last Sentinel Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Last Sentinel Mission

First Soulstone location

From the Fortress Great Bridge Blade Nexus, go through the left side path and it will take you to a bridge that further has two staircases. Turn right and go to the dead end, and you will find a soulstone placed on top of a pillar at a distance.

You will need to use the javelin to break the soulstone.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is found inside the church behind the altar. After defeating all the enemies here, and before moving forward from the area, make sure to go behind the altar to find the soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Last Sentinel Mission

After defeating the elite enemy beast on the bridge, you will need to climb the spiral stairs to reach the next area. When you reach at the top floor, turn right and you will find a pot near a small window. Break it and collect the jarling before turning left from the stairs and going further into the mission.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Transcendental Sword Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Transcendental Sword Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone in the Transcendental Sword mission can be found at the side with the half bridge already down. Before coming downstairs to this spot, do not climb the ladder; instead, go to the opposite end of the hallway and strike the cracks of the wall.

This will reveal the hidden path that will lead you to the soulstone at the end.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is found much later in the mission. You will get to fight a giant monster on the bridge with a locked door and a lever at the end of it.

Just go to the opposite end of this bridge and you will find the second soulstone kept inside a hanging cage. Its door will be open, so align your javelin's aim and break to soulstone to collect it.

All Jarling Locations in Transcendental Sword Mission

The jarling is found just before the second soulstone. You will find a fire arrow trap button on the ground and a few pots in the corner at the end near the wall. Break the pots to collect the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Crimson Trace Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Crimson Trace Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone is very easy to miss as it is found at the start of the mission. Turn towards the left courtyard from the water fountain, which is the starting point of the mission, and you will find the soulstone at the end.

Second Soulstone location

After killing the flame-firing beast on the bridge, before moving forward with the mission, look for the soulstone on the left side of the bridge.

This is easy to miss as you do not have the option to get close and have to break the soulstone using the javelin.

All Jarling Locations in Crimson Trace Mission

After defeating the elite enemy at the bridge, do not proceed ahead towards the mutated flame monster. Instead, turn left and go into the room from the bridge. You will find a pot besides shields and wooden boxes on the ground and smashing it will reveal the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Fall of the Empire Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Fall of the Empire Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone can be collected after reaching the Old Town Blade Nexus. Just go back a little, and at the corner, you will find an opening with wooden barricades. Use the weapon or dodge into it, and you will find the soulstone right in front of you.

Second Soulstone location

From the Main Street Blade Nexus, if you go back to the previous area by crossing the bridge, you will find a lot of chaos stones, and a hole in the wall right in front of you. There is a small gap in the wall adjacent to it and there you will find the second soulstone.

Third Soulstone location

The third soulstone can be found after you have reached the sewers area. You will encounter two flame-firing beasts and a few broken-down pipes in a big open area. There will also be a waterfall stream running in this spot.

If you look closer at the waterfall, you will notice a red glow at its base. Go there and you will find the third soulstone hidden behind the waterfall.

Fourth Soulstone location

After reaching the Church Blade Nexus, the fourth soulstone can be found behind the big statue, surrounded by pillars.

Fifth Soulstone location

The fifth soulstone can be found after you have unlocked the shortcut door to the Blade Nexus. Then, continue moving forward with the mission, and you will reach two carts with wooden boxes and a big pot on them.

Take the stairs right after these carts, and you will find the fifth soulstone at the end.

All Jarling Locations in Fall of the Empire Mission

After entering the mansion and making your way to the top floor, you will find an opening in the wall to progress ahead. This room will have a bed, a few bookshelves, and pots in the corner. Break the pots to reveal the jarling.

All Soulstones and Jars Location Guide in Unrequited Love Mission - The First Berserker Khazan

All Soulstone Locations in Unrequited Love Mission

First Soulstone location

The first soulstone in the Unrequited Love mission can be found by taking the stairs right from the starting Blade Nexus. Climb the stairs, defeat the enemy, and at the end of this path, you will find the soulstone hidden by a few wooden boxes.

Second Soulstone location

The second soulstone is located on a platform outside the library section. After exiting the hallway with books on shelves, you will find chandeliers in front of you and a path leading to stairs. Stand at the stairs and look back at the hallway exit you came from to find the second soulstone.

All Jarling Locations in Unrequited Love Mission

There is only one Jarling in the Unrequited Love mission. To reach it, you will have to go to the second floor of the library. After that, go to the side where there are a lot of shelves with books. On the left corner, you will find enemies hidden and ready to take Khazan by surprise. Go there to find the Jarling.

That is pretty much everything you need to know about all Soulstones and Jarlings locations in The First Berserker Khazan. For more tips about the game, we recommend you read our The First Berserker Khazan Best Greatsword Build, and Best Spear Build guides.

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