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Ultimate MO.CO Leveling Guide


Leveling up unlocks more content and gear, making it the key to switching things up in your gameplay. However, around level 14, you’ll encounter a significant difficulty spike where knowing how to farm XP efficiently becomes crucial for smooth progression. Here are the best ways to level up quickly and stay ahead in MO.CO.

How to Level Up Fast in MO.CO

By following these strategies, you'll be able to power through any difficulty spike with ease and unlock new content faster in MO.CO. The key to leveling up quickly is to stay consistent, optimize your XP gains, and make the most of events to level up efficiently.

Complete Story Missions, Daily Jobs, and Projects

  • Daily Jobs and Projects are the highest XP-rewarding methods in MO.CO.
  • Daily Jobs refresh every three hours and are the primary way to earn Chaos Kits, essential for leveling up your gear.
  • Story Missions provide steady XP and progress your adventure while unlocking new content.

Play the Game - Defeat Enemies Between Missions

  • Farming random enemies between missions ensures a consistent XP income. Every enemy you defeat drops XP, and it all adds up over time!
  • Avoid brute forcing harder content – This is the least efficient way to farm XP. Instead, clear what you can efficiently and return to tougher content when you’re stronger.

Take Advantage of Events Like Double XP

  • Double XP Events are a fantastic way to accelerate your leveling progress. When farming Projects, prioritize maps that have active Double XP events.
  • To maximize your XP gains, equip gear that still has active Projects!

Play with Friends

  • Grouping up with friends or other online players increases your overall efficiency. The faster you and your team can go through enemies, the faster you'll earn XP!

To for more MO.CO tips, check out our MO.CO Beginner's Guide on Pro Game Guides.

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