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Ultimate Cat Fantasy Isekai Adventure Sist [Global Release]


Cat Fantasy - это один из тех гач, где получение дупсов может быть очень сложным, поэтому сосредоточиться на нескольких персонажах и максимум их - лучший шаг для большинства игроков, особенно F2P. To learn which characters are best and why, scroll down and check out our ultimate Cat Fantasy combatant tier list !

Кошачьи фантазии Isekai Adventure Combamant Lier

Here is our tier list of combatants in Cat Fantasy. Обратите внимание, что мы исключили все RS и кучу SRS, потому что они просто не обеспечивают достаточной ценности. For the ranking, we took into account each combatant's performance both in PvE and PvP . So, consider it an overall priority list of which characters you should try to get and invest in.

Also, note that a lot of 6-Star SR combatants can outperform 0-Star SSRs , especially early on when you don't have the outfits and weapons. So, do upgrade and use them during the early game grind . Вот подробности о лучших персонажах в кошачьей фантазии и почему вы должны их получить.

Лучшие комбатанты PVE

  • Triss [Heartfelt Healing] : Arguably the best Support/Healer in the game that cleanses debuffs on your allies and makes most PvE content trivial.
  • Echo [Perfect Pitch] : An OP AoE DPS that pierces through enemy DEF and makes any PvE content with multiple enemies too easy.
  • Shiro [Tactical Submarine] : DPS/support that increases enemy damage taken and enables your main DPSs to destroy single enemies.
  • Anja [Crown of Frost] : Support/CC that provides your team with sustain and can also freeze enemies, preventing them from attacking.
  • Shiro [Combat Mode] : OP single-target DPS that also shreds armor and deals extra damage against enemies with debuffs.
  • Asura [Forest Ranger] : Stacks vulnerability on enemies and deals insane single-target damage, which ramps up the longer the battle is.
  • Danica [Ember in Dark] : Very good single-target DPS for PvE that goes through enemy defense.
  • Triss [Pure Grace] : One of the best SR supports/healers you can get and use if you don't have Heartfelt Healing/Truths & Ink.
  • Carol [Solitary Maiden] : Another great SR support/healer you can use instead of Pure Grace/Heartfelt Healing/Truths & Ink.
  • Yunpei [Truths & Ink] : One of the best SR supports/healers together with Pure Grace, with consistent healing and offensive buffs.

Лучшие комбатанты PVP

  • Echo [Perfect Pitch] : The AoE DPS is invaluable in PvP as well, and it makes Perfect Pitch one of the best PvP combatants in general.
  • Hailey [Purifier's Waltz] : AoE/single-target DPS that can chip the whole enemy team. Работает лучше всего вместе с идеальным шагом.
  • Anja [Crown of Frost] : The CC Crown of Frost is OP for PvP, and it can easily win you battles.
  • Echo [Marine Maverick] : Support/CC combatant who provides buffs and shields for allies, cleanses buffs, and lowers enemy energy.
  • Minami [Scarlet Samurai] : Can taunt enemies and reduce their damage, making it an extremely good pick in PvP.
  • Asura [Forest Ranger] : Her ramping damage is OP in PvP against comps with a lot of sustain.
  • Danica [Ember in Dark] : Very good single-target DPS that can help your team nuke enemies.
  • Sylviette [Abyss Oath] : One of the best single-target DPSs/assassins for PvP. Она очень хорошо работает с Ember в темном и лесном рейнджере, когда дело доходит до исполнения врагов.
  • Poppy [Duck 'n' Roll] : Can use taunt on the first turn and single-handedly win you matches. Неплохо для SR, верно?

Это завершает нашу списка уровней Cat Fantasy Fantasy Isekai Adventure Combatants. Если вы нашли это руководство полезным, обязательно добавьте в закладки Pro Guides для большего количества такого контента! Кроме того, ознакомьтесь с нашим списком кодов кошачьих фэнтезийных кодов, чтобы получить несколько бесплатных в игре.

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