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七龍珠在線代碼(2025年2月)[Majin Buu Saga]


There are already tons of Dragon Ball -inspired Roblox games that are nothing more than plain clicker games, offering plain visuals and zero gameplay depth. Luckily, a few dedicated developers have decided to create Dragon Ball Online Generations , an in-depth fighting game that's thoroughly faithful to the original anime and manga.

除了掌握所有組合動作外,如果您想購買最佳的電力並增加排名的機會,則需要大量的XP和Zeni。 With Dragon Ball Online Generations codes, you'll get plenty of starting resources to acquire the best items and keep up with the competition, helping you become a true Super Saiyan!如果您在Roblox上尋找類似的七龍珠體驗,請訪問我們的Dragon Blox代碼文章,以在同樣引人入勝的遊戲中聲稱獎勵。



  • 謝謝50mvisits! - 250k Zeni的救贖
  • DELAYEDPATCHES —Redeem for 1h of 2x EXP


  • buupatches!
  • Buusagarelease!

Related: Dragon Ball Rage Codes


If you're eager to learn all about redeeming Dragon Ball Online Generations codes, check out our guide below:

  1. Launch Dragon Ball Online Generations on Roblox .
  2. 創建角色或加載保存的遊戲。
  3. Press M on your keyboard to access the menu.
  4. Click the Options button (1) on the left.
  5. Click the Codes button (2) to advance to code redemption.
  6. Type in your code into the Enter Code textbox (3) .
  7. Click the Redeem button (4) to claim your rewards.


If you want more Dragon Ball Online Generations codes, here's what you need to do:

  • 關注開發人員的X帳戶(@sonnydhaboss)。
  • 訂閱開發人員的YouTube頻道(@sonnydhaboss)。
  • 加入Dragon Ball Online Generations Discord Server。



If your Dragon Ball Online Generations codes are giving you a hard time, double-check to make sure there aren't any typos that may prevent you from redeeming them.代碼贖回系統也對病例敏感,這意味著任何錯誤的大寫和小寫字母也被視為錯別字。最後,請參閱我們的代碼列表,以查看您的代碼是否仍處於活動狀態,還是複制代碼並將其直接粘貼到遊戲中以節省時間。


In Dragon Ball Online Generations , you can create a custom Dragon Ball character and duke it out against other players in epic brawls.在戰鬥中,您可以使用Ki來散發Ki攻擊,並擁有完整的Ki酒吧讓您釋放最終攻擊。使用防禦動作會耗盡您的防禦棒,而藍色耐力桿則受到各種攻擊的影響。贏得XP和Zeni的完整任務,可讓您購買和解鎖新的連擊,提高您的功率水平並成為強大的戰士。

您渴望更多的七龍珠動作嗎? Check out our Dragon Soul Codes and Anime Spirits Codes guides and enjoy tons of freebies in other exciting games.



