In Watcher of Realms , the realm of Tya is in grave danger of being overrun by forces of darkness!在這種嚴峻的情況下,一群冠軍聯手推遲了即將來臨的入侵。憑藉他們的技能和戰略狡猾的綜合,勝利即將到來。
如果您要贏得戰爭,則需要贏得前面的每場戰鬥。 With Watcher of Realms codes, you'll be able to evolve your heroes, expand your roster, and put every enemy to the sword.如果您是一個狂熱的手機遊戲玩家,您將喜歡參觀我們的Marvel Strike Force代碼指南,並抓住額外的好東西,以幫助您像真正的超級英雄一樣擊敗小人。
- Wor777 : Use for a Rare Summon Crystal, 20 Rare Skill Dusts, a 2k XP potion, and 2k gold
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Related: EverChest Codes
- Launch Watcher of Realms on your device.
- 完成教程。
- Tap the avatar icon (1) in the top-left corner.
- Tap the Settings tab (2) on the left side.
- Tap the Redeem Code button (3) .
- Tap the Please enter Redeem Code field (4) to type in an active code.
- Tap the OK button (5) to redeem your code.
- Join the Watcher of Realms Discord server.
- Subscribe to the official Watcher of Realms YouTube channel (@WatcherofRealmsOfficial).
- Like the official Watcher of Realms Facebook page.
- Follo the official Watcher of Realms X account (@WatcherOfRealms).
If you only want codes, you can skip the above-listed links and simply bookmark this article .我們將白天和黑夜尋找新代碼並在新的列表中更新列表時,我們將最重要的是我們的重中之重。
Watcher of Realms codes are not case-sensitive, but it's important to avoid any typos when entering your code.通過在提交代碼之前對代碼進行仔細檢查,您可以在沒有問題的情況下捕獲任何錯誤並兌換。如果您的代碼在我們過期的列表中,那麼從中收集任何獎勵為時已晚。贖回代碼的最快,最簡單的方法是將其從我們的活動列表中復制並直接粘貼到遊戲中。
Watcher of Realms is a PC and mobile tower defense game where you deploy heroes and protect the base from incoming enemies.在每個階段之前,您都會選擇一個希望投入戰鬥的英雄團隊,每個人都擁有獨特的技能。某些英雄充當近戰部隊,而其他英雄則使用遠程攻擊或治愈其他英雄將其留在戰場上。