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Poppy Playtime Chapter 4: All Codes for All Puzzles


Poppy Playtime Chapter 4‘s puzzles are some of the toughest in the horror game, with several that come with cryptic riddles you have to solve. It’s easy to get stuck, but the guide below includes all Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 puzzle codes and explanations for how to work them out.

All Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Puzzle Codes

  • Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Hangman Puzzle Code and Solution
  • Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Cage Calendar Puzzle Code and Solution
  • Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Prison Tower Puzzle Code and Solution
  • Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Secondary Labs Puzzle Code and Solution

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Hangman Puzzle Code and Solution

The first puzzle involving a code is in the cell block area. Climb the stairs to the top floor, and enter the observation area. Inside, you’ll find a code terminal, a red button, and a whiteboard. There’s also a second red button next to a large cutout of an animal, but this one’s just for fun. You’re free to press or ignore it.

The code for this puzzle is the numeric values of the letters that spelled the winning word in the game of Hangman – CELL.

The code is: 3255. Press the red button after inputting the code to unlock the door at the far end of the cell block. 

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Cage Calendar Puzzle Code and Solution

Solving this puzzle will remove the red smoke from the prison block. Spend as little time as possible in the smoke, and make your way to the control room upstairs. There’s a code panel near the front window, and to the right of that is a whiteboard with a sticky note telling you to “check the CAGE.” The top row of the calendar on the whiteboard has four letters in scrambled order, and the code is the number values that correspond to the letters in the word “cage.” The first number is C=3, the second is A=6, and so on.

The full code is: 3642. The smoke in the area will fade, and you can exit via the newly-shattered window to your left. You can also technically go back downstairs where the smoke previously was, but there’s nothing new to find here.

Related: All Characters and Voice Actors in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Prison Tower Puzzle Code and Solution

You end up trapped in the prison’s recreation yard after the encounter with Doey. Climb the stairs, and enter the office at the top of the blue tower to find a code terminal and a whiteboard with a list of colors. This list is your first clue, and the towers are the second, specifically, the second number on each tower.

The correct number sequence is the second number on each tower, in the order of colors listed – so, blue, green, yellow, and red. The blue tower’s second number is missing, but the sequence on the other three towers means the only choice for it is 33.

That means the final code is: 3021. Take the lever from inside the locker, slot it into the blue panel in the prison yard, and attach chains from each tower to the door. Pull the levers to open the door, and leave the area.

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Secondary Labs Puzzle Code and Solution

The Secondary Labs puzzle involves matching numbers to images of stuffed animal anatomy, but the process of determining the right order of numbers is less forgiving than the process of figuring out this chapter’s other puzzle codes. The first step is tracking down the remains of each experiment and interacting with it to add its number to the database, but the catch is that many of the rooms in the Doctor’s Domain are full of the red smoke from the control area.

You have a gas mask now, but it’ll only keep you safe for a short time. The most efficient way of approaching this puzzle is exploring the gas-filled maze in short bursts, then retreating to the operating room to refill your oxygen tank with the dispenser there.

However, that also comes with a caveat. The experiments are tucked away in a maze full of that red gas, and Poppy Playtime expects you to find each experiment by following the sounds and dialogue coming from them. Those noises get louder as you get closer, but if you have hearing difficulties or are playing in an environment where you can’t increase the volume, you’ll have to keep exploring the maze until you find all five.

Return to the operating room, and you’ll see each experiment on a monitor with a string of numbers. The last number in each string is the number you’ll use for the code, and the anatomy chart next to the dispenser tells you the order – head, right arm, left hand, right leg, left foot.

You can also just bypass all that and enter the code: 35198 

And with those puzzle codes, you’re well on your way toward the unsettling Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 ending.

Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4is available now.

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