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All Traits (Techniques) in Anime Last Stand [OPM Update]


It's essential to make your units as strong as possible, and one way to do that is to roll for traits or techniques. You can acquire several techniques by chance, but any one of them will make your units more powerful. Here's all of them!

Anime Last Stand Traits List - All ALS Techniques

Traits or Techniques in Anime Last Stand are modifiers to your units that boost particular skills, making them perform better. You roll for traits/techniques in the lobby, acquiring a random one for each roll. The best techniques will be harder to roll but will give even better buffs. Here's a look at all of them:

TechniqueStatsRoll Rate
Scoped IRange +5%12%
Scoped IIRange +8%9%
Scoped IIIRange +10%4%
Accelerate ISPA -3%10%
Accelerate IISPA -5%7%
Accelerate IIISPA -8%4%
Sturdy IDamage +5%10%
Study IIDamage +8%7%
Sturdy IIIDamage +10%4%
ShiningMoney gain +10%9%
Eagle EyeRange +15%4%
GoldenMoney gain +12.5%3.5%
Hyper SpeedSPA -12.5%3%
JuggernautDamage +12.5%
SPA -2.5%
Elemental MasterDamage +5%
DOT duration 2.5x
DOT damage 0.75x
VultureRange +25%
Crit Chance +5%
Crit Damage +15%
Money gain +20%
CosmicDamage +15%
Range +10%
SPA -15%
Demi GodDamage +25%
SPA -5%
All SeeingDamage +25%
Range +50%
Crit Damage +100%
Crit Chance +25%
EntrepreneurDamage +25%
Range +5%
SPA -10%
Money gain +45%
ShinigamiDamage +75%
Range +30%
SPA -15%
Crit Damage +25%
Crit Chance +10%
OverlordDamage +425%
Range +20%
SPA -15%
Crit Damage +25%
Crit Chance +15%
One placement
AvatarDamage +550%
Range +30%
SPA -15%
Crit Damage +25%
Crit Chance +15%
One placement
GlitchedDamage +750%
Range +35%
SPA -15%
Money Increase +60%
Crit Damage +75%
Crit Chance +15%
One placement

How to reroll techniques in Anime Last Stand

If you don't like the technique on a unit, you can reroll them at any time at the Technique Guy in the lobby, but you need Technique Shards. You can earn some for free by using Anime Last Stand codes or completing quests. Select the unit you want to roll a trait for in the left square, and then press reroll, using some of your shards to do so.

However, remember that whatever previous trait they had is removed, and there is no guarantee you will get a better one. Since all traits have a different roll rate, you'll have to keep trying to get the one that you want.

Earn some Technique Shards and start rolling some techniques to make your units even more powerful in battle. The harder it is to roll, the better the trait will be, so stay patient, and you may just get lucky.

Looking for more Pro Game Guides Anime Last Stand content? Check out our guides on ALS Characters Tier List and How to Evolve Sukuna.

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