到达亚特兰蒂斯本身就是一次冒险。 You'll first need the Heart of Zeus , an artifact hidden within a submerged passage. To do so, you'll need to locate five levers on the Forsaken Shores , set off an explosive, and master some underwater ruins.让我们从第一步开始 - 找到所有杠杆。
您需要解锁TNT所需的杠杆散布在被遗忘的海岸上。 While you might be tempted to ask the Pirate Captain of the Mysterious Pirates in the Grand Reef area for guidance, it's faster to head straight to the locations. It's also cheaper, because bribing him costs 10,000C$ each time you want information.每个杠杆都被巧妙地藏起来,因此请使用下面的坐标来追踪它们:
杠杆 | 描述 | GPS坐标 |
1 | 在商人摊位的背面,右边。 | (-2523,135,1581) |
2 | 在皮肤商人上方的岩石侧面(在佳能附近)。 | (-2560,149,1670) |
3 | 在第二杆附近的瀑布后面(向东走到小池塘)。 | (-2705,164,1721) |
4 | 在被遗忘的海岸顶部附近的木桥的左边(将梯子爬到岛上的山顶上)。 | (-2877,316,1616) |
5 | 在右侧的头骨洞底的入口处(您可以通过嘴进入)。 | (-2846,132.5,1513) |
Once all five levers are activated, a large crate of TNT will appear inside the skull landmark at the Forsaken Shores - yes, the one that you can find Jack Marrow in. Grab the TNT (it's actually three TNTs).
在获得TNT的情况下,下一步是爆炸打开水下废墟。为此,您需要装备潜水装备,最好是先进的潜水装备,否则您可能会发现自己的空气耗尽。 If you don't have that version, head to coordinates (-790, 130, -3103) near the Grand Reef and look for a buoy. You can buy Advanced Diving Gear there for 15,000C$ .可以使用基本的潜水装备和拖鞋来执行此操作,但是您需要放置TNT,上升到空中,然后退后。
Once you're ready, go to the Grand Reef . Here's something no other guide is saying: Dive from the left side of the Mysterious Pirates' ship. If you equip your gear and dive from there, you'll find a temple-like structure right at the bottom with rocks at its entrance. The TNT should be placed on the starfish in front of the closed-up entrance. You'll need to swim down while using E to place the TNT, or you'll float away from the position.
Once the TNT is in place, locate the TNT trigger at the bottom of the stairs and activate it to detonate the explosives.这将揭示一条隐藏的水下小路,更深入废墟。
沿着新打开的通道向下,然后向左走。 Surface into the temple, walk all the way to the back of the area, and you'll see the Heart of Zeus on a stone on the left side of the room.捡起它,它可能会要求您“遵循闪电”,这将带您到打开Atlantis的门户所需的确切位置。但是,闪电确实打开和关闭,所以我告诉你去哪里。
要进入亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis),您需要在游戏的夜间周期中在正确位置使用宙斯的心脏。 Make your way to the central island of the Grand Reef . When the celestial cycle shifts to night, equip the Heart of Zeus and stand at coordinates (-3576, 151, 524) , which is at the very center of the central island where there's a burn mark . Equip the Heart and then left-click to activate it , which will teleport you into Atlantis.
Once you arrive, you'll find a ghost Inn Keeper on the left who you can stay with to change your spawn point to Atlantis , and a swirling, golden portal on the right to return to the Grand Reef . On the left side of the Inn Keeper, you'll find the Champions Rod for 1,000,000C$ .
To navigate Atlantis safely, you'll need Advanced Diving Gear , along with Flippers or Super Flippers , to manage your time and oxygen effectively. You can visit the Atlantis Merchant , who is positioned on the east path at coordinates (-4459, -605, 1867) , for any of these items. You can also find the Depthseeker Rod at his stall for 125,000C$ .
Cardinal directions for each trial from the portal entrance of Atlantis:
The Sunken Depths is the first area that you should explore in Atlantis can be found at coordinates -4506, -603, 1848 .这个发光的区域超过了亚特兰蒂斯商人,越过桥。 Inside the pavilion you can see in the screenshot above, there is a raised stone table that shows five symbols on it.
Note the order of these symbols ( take a screenshot , the order is random in each server), and then walk through the archway.穿过拱门后,您会看到一个闭门的门和一池水。 To gain access to the door, you must complete the Sunken Trial , a puzzle designed for two players but doable solo with a little extra effort (and that screenshot you took).
Dive into the pool in front of the door and swim through the underwater maze until you reach (-5107, -680, 1710) to locate the Sunken Sigil.本质上,您将需要在迷宫中右转,并在游泳时在左侧寻找一个拱门。
Once you find the archway, you'll swim into a room with a large stone circle on the wall that has the same circles on it. Click the sigils in the order they were in on the stone table (from left to right) - if the order is correct, the sigils will light up.完成后,返回表面。门应该打开。
The open door will reveal a fishing area, as well as the Tempest Rod (1,850,000C$) and a Mythological Clock on the left side of the area.
要激活这个神话时钟,请靠近它,直到出现标题为“音乐之神”。 You'll need to select the Blue Harp using the buttons below, and then press the red center button.谨慎 - 投入错误的答案两次导致触手攻击,结束您的尝试。激活后,您可以进一步发展到亚特兰蒂斯。
Before starting the trial, you'll need to make sure you're properly equipped with Flippers/Super Flippers and Advanced Diving Gear . Access the Ethereal Abyss through the underwater tunnel at -4113, -605, 1820 , which you can find by walking west from the central room (where the Inn Keeper is), going up the staircase, and looking for the small pool of water surrounded如上图所示。
到达隧道的底部后,您会发现一扇圆形的蓝色门,带有两个通向单独的房间的途径 - 一个在左侧,另一个在右侧。这是试验开始的地方。 To initiate the trial, one player must enter the left room , while the second player enters the right room .如果您一个人去,什么都不会发生。
一旦两个球员都在里面,他们背后的门就会关闭。 At this point, you'll have around 90 seconds to complete the first part of the trial.
The player in the left room will encounter a dimly lit cavern filled with walls, ceilings, and floors where glowing buttons randomly appear.
When each button is pressed, a corresponding symbol will begin glowing on the clock inside the right room .一旦激活了三个按钮,任务就会转移到右室播放器。
In the right room, the player will find a clock puzzle on the ground.这个时钟有六个不同的符号和三只可移动的时钟。
Once all three hands are positioned correctly, press the red button at the base of the clock to reset the puzzle.这将指示左室玩家重新开始任务。
The left and right players must repeat their respective tasks three times to complete the challenge.如果任何一个球员在任何一轮比赛中都失败,难题将重置,需要再进行三轮才能完成审判。一旦所有三轮成功完成,入口处的圆形蓝色门将打开。
Beyond the blue door, you'll find another fishing area and the coveted Abyssal Specter Rod , which you can buy for 1,004,269C$ (what an odd price). Nearby, you'll notice another Mythological Clock , which will display the words "Goddess of War" if you stand next to it. Use the arrow buttons to move the clock's hand to the Orange Helmet and confirm your choice with the red button.
The Poseidon Temple is found at coordinates ( -4299, -604, 1594 ).从亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis)的中心向南行驶,越过桥,进入具有柔软手电筒的走廊。走进走廊尽头的游泳池,您很快就会发现自己在圣殿。
To unlock the fishing area and items within, head to the right-hand side of the temple and swim through the tunnel until you can resurface .房间的左侧有一扇大的锁着门,一条路径进入您面前房间的深处。 Walk on, and there will be two separate rooms at the end. Each room contains three pedestals requiring specific fish to be placed upon them. These fish can be provided by other players , and you'll get a clue for each one if you approach the individual pedestals.
房间 | 左基座 | 中心基座 | 右基座 |
左房间 | 大锤头鲨 | 鲸鲨 | 冰镇鲨鱼 |
正确的房间 | 大白鲨 | 古代巨型 | 人参鲨 |
一旦放置正确的鱼,门就会以戏剧性的摇动打开。 Inside, you'll find the Poseidon Rod for 1,555,555C$ and the Poseidon Wrath Totem for 1,500,000C$ .使用Poseidon愤怒图腾将水变为粉红色,使您有机会通过愤怒突变捕获鱼。
在波塞冬椅的后面,神话时钟正在等待。站在它附近的标题“泰坦之王”。 Select the Black Scythe to complete this clock's task.做准备 - 一如既往,两次执行不正确的符号将触发触手攻击。
The Zeus Trial is located in the northern part of Atlantis, up the stairs and down through the blue portal .这是一个定时挑战的手套,带有发光的黄色晶体和一个门户,导致了两个难题。每个难题提供了一个四位数的代码,必须合并以解锁试验顶部的门。
You must do the puzzles in their entirety, forward and back. For example, if you get the code and then get zapped by Zeus, the code will reset and the one you have will be wrong. After completing both puzzles, run up the center stairs and input both parts of the code into the keypad on the right side of the door, which will then unlock.
Inside the new area (Zeus's Rod Room), you'll discover a place to fish, the Zeus Rod for 1,700,000C$ , the Zeus Storm Totem for 1,500,000C$ , and the final Mythological Clock.站在这个时钟附近,揭示了标题“夜晚的女神”。 Select the Purple Moon to complete it.
最后,我们到达亚特兰蒂斯的最后一部分。 Beneath the central area of Atlantis lies the Kraken Pool, located at -4295, -991, 1792 .该区域的标志是您可能从其他区域中识别出的尖锐的钟乳石和彩色灯光。发光的灯光显示了您尚未解决的时钟的基本方向 - 如果您查看上面的屏幕截图,则表明西时钟未解决 - 巧合的是,这是唯一需要两个人的审判。
Access to the Kraken Pool is granted only after completing all four previous Mythological Clocks . When you've done this, the final clock will appear underneath the central island in Atlantis, and you can solve it to get into the Kraken Pool.站在最后一个时钟,看到标题为“黑社会之神”。 Select the Red Spear to finish the sequence.
最终的神话时钟完成后,将打开Kraken游泳池入口的炉排将打开。 Swim through the tunnel to find the Kraken Rod for 1,333,333C$ and gain access to the extreme and difficult Kraken Hunts (see the end of this guide for information on how to catch Krakens).
物品 | 费用(C $) | 地点 | 统计 |
冠军杆 | 1,000,000c $ | 在雕像的幽灵旅馆门将的左边。 | 诱饵速度:15% 运气:70% 控制:0.15 弹性:40% 鱼的最大重量:80,000kg |
深度杆 | 125,000c $ | 靠在亚特兰蒂斯商人的摊位上,旁边是东桥。 | 诱饵速度:55% 运气:20% 控制:0.17 韧性:25% 鱼的最大重量:50,000kg |
暴风雨杆 | 1,850,000c $ | 完成沉没的试验后,直接在神话时钟下发现。 | 诱饵速度:15% 运气:70% 控制:0.15 弹性:40% 鱼的最大重量:80,000kg |
深渊幽灵杆 | 1,004,269c $ | 由神话时钟找到 完成空灵深渊试验后。 | 诱饵速度:25% 运气:90% 控制:0.1 弹性:60% 鱼的最大重量:无限 |
波塞冬杆 | 1,555,555c $ | 完成波塞冬的寺庙审判后,锁着的门后面。 | 诱饵速度:50% 运气:165% 控制:0.2 弹性:40% 鱼的最大重量:100,000kg |
宙斯杆 | 1,700,000c $ | 完成宙斯审判后,锁着的门后面。 | 诱饵速度:40% 运气:70% 控制:0.25 弹性:15% 鱼的最大重量:无限 |
克莱克杆 | 1,333,333c $ | Located in the Kraken Pool area at (-4414, -997, 2055) after beating all four trials and getting the icons correct on all five clocks. | 诱饵速度:60% 运气:185% 控制:0.2 弹性:15% 鱼的最大重量:115,000kg |
鱼 | 稀有 | 天气 | 一天中的时间 | 季节 | 饵 |
波塞冬的鲈鱼 | 常见的 | 清除 | 天 | 春天 | 昆虫 |
Oracle Minnow | 常见的 | 清除 | 天 | 任何 | 薄片 |
沉没的银色 | 常见的 | 清除 | 天 | 夏天 | 虾 |
亚特兰蒂斯凤尾鱼 | 常见的 | 任何 | 任何 | 任何 | 没有偏好 |
大理石少女 | 罕见 | 任何 | 任何 | 春天,夏天 | 蠕虫 |
水晶合唱 | 罕见 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 冬天 | 虾 |
哲学家的鱼 | 异常 | 清除 | 天 | 任何 | 珊瑚 |
亚特兰蒂斯监护人 | 异常 | 任何 | 任何 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
Helios Ray | 异常 | 清除 | 天 | 夏天 | 鱼头 |
特里顿的先驱 | 稀有的 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 深珊瑚 |
亚特兰蒂斯炼金术士 | 稀有的 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
暮光般的闪电鱼 | 稀有的 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 夜虾 |
深皇冠鱼 | 传奇 | 清除 | 天 | 任何 | 没有偏好 |
天体锦鲤 | 神话 | 雨 | 夜晚 | 冬天 | 松露蠕虫 |
鱼 | 稀有 | 天气 | 一天中的时间 | 季节 | 饵 |
亚特兰蒂斯沙丁鱼 | 常见的 | 任何 | 天 | 任何 | 没有偏好 |
柱爬到者 | 常见的 | 任何 | 任何 | 任何 | 蠕虫 |
海王星的nibbler | 常见的 | 清除 | 天 | 春天,夏天 | 海藻 |
水上抄写员 | 常见的 | 清除 | 天 | 任何 | 海藻 |
Echo Fisher | 罕见 | 有雾 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 虾 |
寺庙漂流者 | 罕见 | 清除 | 天 | 任何 | 深珊瑚 |
马赛克游泳者 | 罕见 | 任何 | 任何 | 春天 | 珊瑚 |
甲骨文的眼睛 | 异常 | 有雾 | 夜晚 | 冬天 | 夜虾 |
警笛歌手 | 异常 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 夏天 | 深珊瑚 |
Chronos深水游泳者 | 异常 | 任何 | 任何 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
Starlit Weaver | 稀有的 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 深珊瑚 |
voidscale guppy | 稀有的 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 冬天 | 夜虾 |
法师马林 | 传奇 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
国王水母 | 神话 | 清除 | 夜晚 | 冬天 | 松露蠕虫 |
鱼 | 稀有 | 天气 | 一天中的时间 | 季节 | 饵 |
巨大的鲤鱼 | 常见的 | 任何 | 天 | 任何 | 海藻 |
泰坦金枪鱼 | 常见的 | 任何 | 天 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
Leviathan Bass | 罕见 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
巨人蝠ta | 罕见 | 任何 | 天 | 任何 | 虾 |
巨大的马林鱼 | 异常 | 任何 | 天 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
泰坦尼克st鱼 | 异常 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 海藻 |
Titanfang Grouper | 异常 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
庞然大物 | 传奇 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
皇帝 | 传奇 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
深渊巨人 | 神话 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
鱼 | 稀有 | 天气 | 一天中的时间 | 季节 | 饵 |
伏来鲤鱼 | 常见的 | 雨 | 任何 | 任何 | 蠕虫 |
Sparkfin Tetra | 常见的 | 雨 | 天 | 任何 | 昆虫 |
闪电小鱼 | 常见的 | 雨 | 天 | 任何 | 薄片 |
静态射线 | 罕见 | 雨 | 任何 | 任何 | 虾 |
雷声低音 | 异常 | 雨 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
风暴鳗 | 异常 | 雨 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
闪电派克 | 稀有的 | 雨 | 任何 | 任何 | 桃花鱼 |
Stormcloud的缠身 | 稀有的 | 雨 | 任何 | 任何 | 虾 |
雷霆蛇 | 传奇 | 雨 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 没有偏好 |
宙斯先驱 | 神话 | 雨 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 没有偏好 |
鱼 | 稀有 | 天气 | 一天中的时间 | 季节 | 饵 |
触角恐怖 | 罕见 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 虾 |
Shadowfang Snapper | 罕见 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
触手鳗 | 异常 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 鱼头 |
Eldritch恐怖 | 稀有的 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
深一个 | 稀有的 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
深渊国王 | 传奇 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
克雷肯的先驱 | 传奇 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
深渊吞噬者 | 神话 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
无效的皇帝 | 神话 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
克莱克 | 异国情调 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
古代克莱肯 | 秘密 | 任何 | 夜晚 | 任何 | 松露蠕虫 |
Kraken在亚特兰蒂斯下方的Kraken池中随机狩猎。 They last around 15 minutes each and a server-wide announcement is shared when they occur.
Ancient Krakens will only spawn during Kraken Hunts created during a Poseidon's Wrath event. Poseidon's Wrath occurs when a Poseidon Wrath Totem (from the locked room inside the Poseidon Temple) is used, giving players a 2% chance to catch fish with the Wrath Mutation. Any Kraken Hunts that were already in progress when the totem is used will transform into Ancient Kraken Hunts .
当Poseidon的愤怒的影响结束时,如果在Kraken Hunt中剩下任何时间,Kraken将恢复到其原始状态。
While the Kraken inflicts a -85% Progress Speed on players that hook them, the Ancient Kraken does -95% Progress Speed . Both variations prefer nighttime and like Truffle Worm bait.普通的古代海牛通常约为15,000公斤,因此您需要一个可以处理它的杆。
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